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อย่างไรก็ตาม กบกลุ่มที่อยู่ด้านบนหลุมก็ได้แต่บอกให้พวกมันยอมแพ้สะ
yaangL raiM gaawF dtaamM gohpL gloomL theeF yuuL daanF bohnM loomR gaawF daiF dtaaeL baawkL haiF phuaakF manM yaawmM phaaeH saL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiหฺย่าง-ไร-ก้อ-ตาม-กบ-กฺลุ่ม-ที่-หฺยู่-ด้าน-บน-หฺลุม-ก้อ-ได้-แต่-บอก-ไฮ่-พวก-มัน-ยอม-แพ้-สะ
IPAjàːŋ raj kɔ̂ː taːm kòp klùm tʰîː jùː dâːn bon lǔm kɔ̂ː dâj tɛ̀ː bɔ̀ːk hâj pʰûːak man jɔːm pʰɛ́ː sàʔ
Royal Thai General Systemyang rai ko tam kop klum thi yu dan bon lum ko dai tae bok hai phuak man yom phae sa

 [example sentence]
"In any event, the frogs around the top of the hole told the frogs [in the hole] to just give up [trying to get out]."

componentsอย่างไรก็ตามyaangL raiM gaawF dtaamManyhow; anyway; however; after all; but; still; though; nonetheless; nevertheless; notwithstanding; in any event
กบ  gohpLfrog
กลุ่ม gloomLbundle; packet; crowd; group; cluster; collection; [astronomy or similar objects] constellation
ที่ theeF[the relative pronouns] that; which; which is...
อยู่ yuuLis (located at); to reside; to live (at); stay; exist at a particular point in time
ด้านบนdaanF bohnMabove; over; on top
หลุม loomRhole; hole in the ground; pit
ก็ gaawF[a particle or conjunction that emphasizes that which follows]
ได้แต่daiF dtaaeLjust, only, merely
บอกให้baawkL haiFto tell (someone) (something)
พวก phuaakF[of people, animals] a group, a party
มัน manM[the indefinite pronoun for referring to animals or things] it, they, them
ยอมแพ้yaawmM phaaeHto give up; surrender
[an alternate spelling or pronunciation]
saL[colloquial version of เสีย —a word placed after a verb or at the end of a sentence to add emphasis or indicate a command]

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