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ครา  khraaM
Royal Institute - 1982
ครา  /คฺรา/
[นาม] ครั้ง, คราว, หน.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiคฺรา
Royal Thai General Systemkhra

time; occasion; event

synonymsกาลgaanMepoch; time; era
ครั้ง khrangH[frequency] time; occasion; instance; event; occurrence
คราว khraaoMoccasion; time; episode
เพลาphaehM laaMtime; period
ยาม yaamMtime; hour; period; juncture
เวลา  waehM laaM[general] time [as in space and time]
เวล่ำเวลาwaehM lamF waehM laaMtime (phrase indicating insufficient time to do anything)
หน hohnRoccasion; time; instance
saL maiR groongM seeR aL yootH yaaM dinM daaenM khaawngR thaiM thuukL khaaF seukL rookH raanM laaiR khrangH laaiR khraaM
"During the Ayuthiya period enemies invaded the borders of the Thai [state] many times."

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