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phuuF yaiL saaenR jaL huaangR haamF maiF haiF luukF laanR phuuF yingR aawkL jaakL baanF yaamM dtaL wanM lapH duaangM bpaiM laaeoH
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiพู่-ไหฺย่-แสน-จะ-หวง-ฮ่าม-ไม่-ไฮ่-ลูก-หฺลาน-พู่-หฺยิง-ออก-จาก-บ้าน-ยาม-ตะ-วัน-ลับ-ดวง-ไป-แล้ว
IPApʰûː jàj sɛ̌ːn tɕàʔ hǔːaŋ hâːm mâj hâj lûːk lǎːn pʰûː jǐŋ ʔɔ̀ːk tɕàːk bâːn jaːm tàʔ wan láp duːaŋ paj lɛ́ːw
Royal Thai General Systemphu yai saen cha huang ham mai hai luk lan phu ying ok chak ban yam tawan lap duang pai laeo

 [example sentence]
"Many adults prohibit their daughters and granddaughters from leaving their homes after sunset."

componentsผู้ใหญ่phuuF yaiLadult; elder; senior; superior person in status
แสน saaenRextremely
จะ jaL[auxiliary verb indicating future tense—must be used with another verb] will; shall
หวงห้ามhuaangR haamFto forbid; restrict; prohibit
ไม่ maiFnot; no
ให้ haiFto give; to let; to send to; to allow; to convey towards; to pay (attention); to have someone do something
ลูก luukFchild; offspring; son or daughter [including figurative usage for certain ideas]; cub; young animal
หลาน laanRgrandchild
ผู้หญิง  phuuF yingRgirl; woman; women
ออก aawkLthe exit; the way out
จาก jaakLfrom
บ้าน baanFhouse; home; place (or one's place); village
ยามตะวันลับดวงyaamM dtaL wanM lapH duaangMsunset
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
แล้ว laaeoH[adverbial word indicating past tense or aspect marker indicating present perfect (past continued to present)] in the past; completed; still; to make done

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