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ปัญหายังไม่จบ เพียงแต่มันเบาบางลงได้บ้าง เพราะต้นกำเนิดของปัญหา ยังลึกซึ้งและแก้ยาก
bpanM haaR yangM maiF johpL phiiangM dtaaeL manM baoM baangM lohngM daiF baangF phrawH dtohnF gamM neertL khaawngR bpanM haaR yangM leukH seungH laeH gaaeF yaakF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiปัน-หา-ยัง-ไม่-จบ-เพียง-แต่-มัน-เบา-บาง-ลง-ได้-บ้าง-เพฺราะ-ต้น-กำ-เหฺนิด-ของ-ปัน-หา-ยัง-ลึก-ซึ้ง-และ-แก้-ยาก
IPApan hǎː jaŋ mâj tɕòp pʰiːaŋ tɛ̀ː man baw baːŋ loŋ dâj bâːŋ pʰrɔ́ʔ tôn kam nɤ̀ːt kʰɔ̌ːŋ pan hǎː jaŋ lɯ́k sɯ́ŋ lɛ́ʔ kɛ̂ː jâːk
Royal Thai General Systempanha yang mai chop phiang tae man bao bang long dai bang phro ton kamnoet khong panha yang luek sueng lae kae yak

 [example sentence]
"This would not the end of their problems, but would only ameliorate them because the roots of their problems are deep and difficult to resolve."

componentsปัญหา bpanM haaRproblem; trouble; difficulty
ยัง yangMyet; since; not yet; still
ไม่ maiFnot; no
จบ johpLto end; to finish
เพียงแต่phiiangM dtaaeLhowever; rather; only as far as, only to the point
มัน manM[the indefinite pronoun for referring to animals or things] it, they, them
เบาบางbaoM baangMto become less serious; to subside; to lessen
ลง lohngM[directional auxiliary indicating "downward" or "reduction"]
ได้ daiFcan; to be able; is able; am able; may; might [auxiliary of potential, denoting possbility, ability, or permission]
บ้าง baangFsome; any; partially
เพราะ phrawHbecause; because of; due to; owing to
ต้นกำเนิดdtohnF gamM neertLorigin; source
ของ khaawngRof; belonging to; that or those of; [a word used with a pronoun to indicate possesion, as in "John's truck"]
ปัญหา bpanM haaRproblem; trouble; difficulty
ยัง yangMyet; since; not yet; still
ลึกซึ้งleukH seungH[is] profound; deep; subtle; abstruse; mysterious; deeply-felt
และ laeHand
แก้ gaaeFto undo; remedy; mend; repair; cure; correct; counteract; rectify; quench; slake; relieve; edit
ยาก yaakF[is] difficult; hard; not easy

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