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bpraengL huuR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiแปฺร่ง-หู
IPAprɛ̀ŋ hǔː
Royal Thai General Systempraeng hu

1.   [adjective]
[is] discordant; jar on the ears; different from usual; not quite right; out of tune

componentsแปร่ง bpraengL[of sound or voice] [is] unnatural; discordant; jarring; out of tune; dialectal; with a foreign accent; butchered; [of a situation] vague; different
หู huuRear
synonymเพี้ยนphiianH[is] inaccurate; distorted; off; untrue; [of sound or voice] out of tune; with a foreign accent; butchered
khaoR aanL johtL maaiR duayF namH siiangR theeF bpraengL huuR
"He read the letter in a strained tone of voice."
แม้เสียงของเขาจะแปร่งหู แต่ก็ดูมีเอกลักษณ์ดี
maaeH siiangR khaawngR khaoR jaL bpraengL huuR dtaaeL gaawF duuM meeM aehkL gaL lakH deeM
"Even though his voice sounds strange, it has nice characteristics."
2.   [verb]
to speak with a strange accent; jar on the ears

componentsแปร่ง bpraengL[of sound or voice] [is] unnatural; discordant; jarring; out of tune; dialectal; with a foreign accent; butchered; [of a situation] vague; different
หู huuRear

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