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กีฬาชนไก่จึงไม่เคยสร้างความล่มจมให้ใคร แต่ก็ต้องปฏิบัติให้ถูกกฎหมายทั้งการละเล่นและการพนัน โดยต้องขออนุญาตต่อทางราชการให้ถูกต้อง
geeM laaM chohnM gaiL jeungM maiF kheeuyM saangF khwaamM lohmF johmM haiF khraiM dtaaeL gaawF dtawngF bpaL dtiL batL haiF thuukL gohtL maaiR thangH gaanM laH lenF laeH gaanM phaH nanM dooyM dtawngF khaawR aL nooH yaatF dtaawL thaangM raatF chaH gaanM haiF thuukL dtawngF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiกี-ลา-ชน-ไก่-จึง-ไม่-เคย-ซ่าง-คฺวาม-ล่ม-จม-ไฮ่-ไคฺร-แต่-ก้อ-ต็้อง-ปะ-ติ-บัด-ไฮ่-ถูก-กด-หฺมาย-ทั้ง-กาน-ละ-เล่น-และ-กาน-พะ-นัน-โดย-ต็้อง-ขอ-อะ-นุ-ยาด-ต่อ-ทาง-ราด-ชะ-กาน-ไฮ่-ถูก-ต็้อง
IPAkiː laː tɕʰon kàj tɕɯŋ mâj kʰɤːj sâːŋ kʰwaːm lôm tɕom hâj kʰraj tɛ̀ː kɔ̂ː tɔ̂ŋ pà tìʔ bàt hâj tʰùːk kòt mǎːj tʰáŋ kaːn láʔ lên lɛ́ʔ kaːn pʰá nan doːj tɔ̂ŋ kʰɔ̌ː ʔà núʔ jâːt tɔ̀ː tʰaːŋ râːt tɕʰá kaːn hâj tʰùːk tɔ̂ŋ
Royal Thai General Systemkila chon kai chueng mai khoei sang khwam lom chom hai khrai tae ko tong patibat hai thuk kot mai thang kan lalen lae kan phanan doi tong kho anuyat to thang ratchakan hai thuk tong

 [example sentence]
"The sport of cock fighting has never caused anyone to go broke. However, it must be conducted correctly in accordance with the law, both in terms of the way the sport is conducted and the way the gambling is managed, and [the parties] need to request permission from the authorities so that it is conducted legally."

componentsกีฬา geeM laaMsports; athletics; game; games
ชนไก่chohnM gaiLcock fight
จึง jeungMthus; therefore; so
ไม่ maiFnot; no
เคย kheeuyM(have you) ever; (as) before; did in the past; used to...
สร้าง saangFto build; construct; create; establish; to cause
ความ khwaamM[a prefix which converts an adjective or verb into a noun]
ล่มจมlohmF johmMto become bankrupt; go under; become insolvent; be broke; be destitute; be impoverished; go to ruin; collapse
ให้ haiF[usage in a benefactive construction]
ใคร khraiManyone; anybody; someone; somebody; whoever
แต่ dtaaeLbut; even; however; rather
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
ต้อง dtawngF[auxiliary verb] has to...; must...; is required to...; is duty-bound to...
ปฏิบัติ bpaL dtiL batLto execute; perform; do; act; behave, practice
ให้ haiFto give; to let; to send to; to allow; to convey towards; to pay (attention); to have someone do something
ถูกกฎหมายthuukL gohtL maaiRin accordance with the law; legally
ทั้ง thangHall; entire; whole; wholly; both (...and); while
การละเล่นgaanM laH lenFa game; an entertainment
และ laeHand
การพนัน gaanM phaH nanMa bet, a wager; gambling
โดย dooyMby; via; the method; route; way or mode of attainment
ต้อง dtawngF[auxiliary verb] has to...; must...; is required to...; is duty-bound to...
ขออนุญาตkhaawR aL nooH yaatFto ask for permission — "Excuse me."
ต่อ dtaawLagainst; towards; to; further; on; for
ทางราชการthaangM raatF chaH gaanMofficial; officially
ให้ haiFto give; to let; to send to; to allow; to convey towards; to pay (attention); to have someone do something
ถูกต้องthuukL dtawngF[is] properly done (repaired, locked, etc); accurate, right, true, correct; the response "yes" to a true or false question

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