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gaawF leeuyM namM khwaamM sohngR saiR neeH bpaiM thaamR luaangR pheeF theeF ruuH jakL ganM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiก้อ-เลย-นำ-คฺวาม-สง-สัย-นี้-ไป-ถาม-หฺลวง-พี่-ที่-รู้-จัก-กัน
IPAkɔ̂ː lɤːj nam kʰwaːm sǒŋ sǎj níː paj tʰǎːm lǔːaŋ pʰîː tʰîː rúː tɕàk kan
Royal Thai General Systemko loei nam khwam songsai ni pai tham luang phi thi ru chak kan

 [example sentence]
"So, I brought these questions and doubts to ask a monk with whom I was acquainted."

componentsก็เลยgaawF leeuyMthus; therefore; so; [colloquial form of] จึง 
นำ namMto bring or convey
ความสงสัยkhwaamM sohngR saiRdoubt; questionableness; suspicion
นี้ neeHthis; these
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
ถาม thaamRto ask (a question); to inquire; to quiz; to interrogate
หลวงพี่luaangR pheeF[honorific title for a respected monk who is somewhat older that the speaker]
ที่ theeF[the relative pronoun] who [or subordiate conjunction] whom
รู้จักruuH jakL[of a person, place, or idea] to know
กัน ganMeach other; one another; collectively; commonly; together

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