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ยัก yakH |
contents of this page | |
1. | to shrug; to move up and down |
2. | [of fish fins, barb or hook] to prick |
3. | not at all |
4. | to misappropriate; to embezzle |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ยัก |
IPA | ják |
Royal Thai General System | yak |
alternate spelling | ยักกะ | yakH gaL | |
1.  [verb, transitive] | |||
definition | to shrug; to move up and down | ||
examples | ยักไหล่ | yakH laiL | to shrug one's shoulders |
ยักย้าย | yakH yaaiH | to shift; divert; transfer; change | |
ยักคิ้ว | yakH khiuH | to raise one's eyebrows | |
ยักแย่ยักยัน | yakH yaaeF yakH yanM | to stagger; walk awkwardly; | |
sample sentence | |||
2.  [verb, intransitive, colloquial] | |||
definition | [of fish fins, barb or hook] to prick | ||
related words | ตำ | dtamM | to pierce; puncture; prick |
ทิ่ม | thimF | to pierce; gore; stab; poke | |
แทง | thaaengM | to stab (in the back); to pierce; to puncture (a tire); to gore;to spear (fish); to penetrate (to the very heart); to enter (in a book);to make (a note) | |
example | |||
3.  [adverb, colloquial] | |||
definition | not at all | ||
example | ไม่ยัก | maiF yakH | not too much; fairly; at all |
sample sentence | |||
4.  [verb, transitive, colloquial] | |||
definition | to misappropriate; to embezzle | ||
related words | ขยัก | khaL yakL | to withhold some (amount); to save; to keep back or hold back some (amount) |
เม้ม | memH | [of, for example, money] to withhold, save or keep back some (amount) | |
ยักยอก | yakH yaawkF | [of money] to embezzle | |
examples | ยักยอก | yakH yaawkF | [of money] to embezzle |
ยักท่า | yakH thaaF | to trick; dupe; outwit; fool | |