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ภาษากายก็เป็นสิ่งสำคัญมาก การพูดด้วยท่าทีผ่อนคลาย แขนผ่อนคลายอยู่ข้างลำตัวทำให้ผู้ฟังรู้สึกว่าเราเป็นคนเปิดเผย
phaaM saaR gaaiM gaawF bpenM singL samR khanM maakF gaanM phuutF duayF thaaF theeM phaawnL khlaaiM khaaenR phaawnL khlaaiM yuuL khaangF lamM dtuaaM thamM haiF phuuF fangM ruuH seukL waaF raoM bpenM khohnM bpeertL pheeuyR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiพา-สา-กาย-ก้อ-เป็น-สิ่ง-สำ-คัน-มาก-กาน-พูด-ด้วย-ท่า-ที-ผ่อน-คฺลาย-แขน-ผ่อน-คฺลาย-หฺยู่-ค่าง-ลำ-ตัว-ทำ-ไฮ่-พู่-ฟัง-รู้-สึก-ว่า-เรา-เป็น-คน-เปิด-เผย
IPApʰaː sǎː kaːj kɔ̂ː pen sìŋ sǎm kʰan mâːk kaːn pʰûːt dûaj tʰâː tʰiː pʰɔ̀ːn kʰlaːj kʰɛ̌ːn pʰɔ̀ːn kʰlaːj jùː kʰâːŋ lam tuːa tʰam hâj pʰûː faŋ rúː sɯ̀k wâː raw pen kʰon pɤ̀ːt pʰɤ̌ːj
Royal Thai General Systemphasa kai ko pen sing samkhan mak kan phut duai tha thi phon khlai khaen phon khlai yu khang lam tua tham hai phu fang ru suek wa rao pen khon poet phoei

 [example sentence]
"Body language is very important. Speaking with a relaxed posture with one's hands hanging easily at one's sides, communicates to the listener that one is a very open and honest person."

componentsภาษา phaaM saaRlanguage(s); speech; idiom; tongue; lingo; understanding; words
กาย gaaiMbody; human body; physique
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
เป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
สิ่ง singL[general term for] a thing; item
สำคัญ samR khanM[is] important; vital; essential, the main; necessary; required
มาก maakFmuch; many; very; more; so much; a great deal; seriously
การ gaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
พูด phuutFto speak; to talk; to say
ด้วย duayFtogether; along with; also; too; as well; likewise; in addition to doing some other thing (as another action performed by the same subject)
ท่าทีthaaF theeMattitude; reaction; manner; indication; stance
ผ่อนคลายphaawnL khlaaiM[is] relaxed; informal
แขน khaaenRarm
ผ่อนคลายphaawnL khlaaiMto relax; alleviate; ease up; moderate; mitigate; relieve
อยู่ yuuLis (located at); to reside; to live (at); stay; exist at a particular point in time
ข้าง khaangFbeside; on the side of; by
ลำตัวlamM dtuaaMtorso
ทำให้thamM haiF[prefix which creates a verb from an adjective, corresponding to the English suffix (adj.)-en] to cause to be...; to make...; to effect...; to render as...
ผู้ฟังphuuF fangMaudience; people who are listenening at an event; listeners
รู้สึกruuH seukLto feel or emote, to feel an emotion; to experience
ว่า waaF[proposition complementizer] that...; as... [see examples]
เรา raoMwe; us; our
เป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
คนเปิดเผยkhohnM bpeertL pheeuyRextrovert; an open and honest person

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