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thangH theeF bpaL gaL dtiL laaeoH baaeM rohnM yaiL phuuF namM dtaL laatL jaL raH matH raH wangM laeH leekL liiangF theeF jaL chaiH raaM khaaM bpenM khreuuangF meuuM naiM gaanM yaaengF chingM luukF khaaH phrawH jaL thamM haiF siiaR phaapF lakH
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiทั้ง-ที่-ปะ-กะ-ติ-แล้ว-แบ-รน-ไหฺย่-พู่-นำ-ตะ-หฺลาด-จะ-ระ-มัด-ระ-วัง-และ-หฺลีก-เลี่ยง-ที่-จะ-ไช้-รา-คา-เป็น-เคฺรื่อง-มือ-ไน-กาน-แย่ง-ชิง-ลูก-ค้า-เพฺราะ-จะ-ทำ-ไฮ่-เสีย-พาบ-ลัก
IPAtʰáŋ tʰîː pà kà tìʔ lɛ́ːw bɛː ron jàj pʰûː nam tà làːt tɕàʔ ráʔ mát ráʔ waŋ lɛ́ʔ lìːk lîːaŋ tʰîː tɕàʔ tɕʰáj raː kʰaː pen kʰrɯ̂ːaŋ mɯː naj kaːn jɛ̂ːŋ tɕʰiŋ lûːk kʰáː pʰrɔ́ʔ tɕàʔ tʰam hâj sǐːa pʰâːp lák
Royal Thai General Systemthang thi pakati laeo baeron yai phu nam talat cha ramat rawang lae lik liang thi cha chai rakha pen khrueang mue nai kan yaeng ching luk kha phro cha tham hai sia phap lak

 [example sentence]
"While at the same time, the major brand market leaders are usually very careful and avoid the use of price as a tool to capture customers because [such tactics] will hurt their image."

componentsทั้งที่thangH theeFwhile; though; although; even though; despite; in spite of; whether or not
ปกติ bpaL gaL dtiLusually; normally; commonly
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the end of a clause indicating current position, fulfilment of a condition, emphasis, or confirmation] already; any more
แบรนด์baaeM rohnM[Thai transcription of foreign word] brand
ใหญ่ yaiL[is] big; large; huge; major; enormous; extensive; sizeable
ผู้นำphuuF namMperson who is a leader
ตลาด dtaL laatLmarket; marketplace
จะ jaL[imminent aspect marker]
ระมัดระวังraH matH raH wangM[is] careful; cautious
และ laeHand
หลีกเลี่ยงleekL liiangFto avoid; evade
ที่จะtheeF jaLto; of; that
ใช้ chaiHto use, employ, exploit an object; utilize; resort to; implement
ราคา raaM khaaMprice; tariff; fare; cost; [coinage] denomination
เป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
เครื่องมือkhreuuangF meuuMtool; instrument
ใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
การ gaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
แย่งชิงyaaengF chingMto snatch away; to seize
ลูกค้าluukF khaaHcustomer
เพราะ phrawHbecause; because of; due to; owing to
จะ jaL[imminent aspect marker]
ทำให้thamM haiF[prefix which creates a verb from an adjective, corresponding to the English suffix (adj.)-en] to cause to be...; to make...; to effect...; to render as...
เสีย siiaRto damage; become out of order; deteriorate; become bad; rot; break; spoil; waste; malfunction; lose
ภาพลักษณ์phaapF lakH[of one's mental and physical representations, including the public perception] image

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