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Natural Disasters

ภัยธรรมชาติphaiM thamM maH chaatFnatural disaster
ภูเขาไฟ phuuM khaoR faiMvolcano
ท่วม  thuaamFa flood; an overflow
หน้าน้ำบ่าnaaF naamH baaL(tidal) flood season
laaiR khohnM daiF rapH phohnR graL thohpH jaakL naamH thuaamF khrangH neeH
"Lots of people have been affected by the flood this time."
ไต้ฝุ่น dtaiF foonL[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] typhoon
พายุแรงphaaM yooH raaengMhurricane
แผ่นดินไหวphaenL dinM waiRearthquake
พสุธากัมปนาทphaH sooL thaaM gamM bpaL naatF[slang] earthquake
ผีพุ่งไต้pheeR phoongF dtaiFfalling star; shooting star; meteor

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