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huaaR reuuaM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiหัว-เรือ
IPAhǔːa rɯːa
Royal Thai General Systemhua ruea

bow (of a boat); the front of a boat

componentsหัว huaaRhead; brain; bulb; tuber
เรือ reuuaMboat; ship; barge; vessel; navy
exampleเสยหัวเรือเข้าตลิ่งseeuyR huaaR reuuaM khaoF dtaL lingLto beach the bow of the boat on the bank
loongM saiR hanR huaaR reuuaM sookH huaaR khaoF dtaiF rohmF baiM maH phraaoH theeF kho:hngH khloomM phaawM deeM
"Uncle Sai turned the boat around and headed toward the cover of the coconut tree which was bent over to provide just enough shade."
khohnM khapL baehnM huaaR reuuaM aawkL bpaiM thaangM fangL thitH dtaiF pheuuaF rapH lohmM
"The helmsman turned the bow of the ship toward the South to take advantage of the wind."

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