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ห่ม hohmL |
contents of this page | |
1. | to cover; clothe; wrap; enclose; dress |
2. | cover; close |
Royal Institute - 1982 | ||||||||
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ห่ม |
IPA | hòm |
Royal Thai General System | hom |
1.  [verb] | |||
definition | to cover; clothe; wrap; enclose; dress | ||
examples | เครื่องนุ่งห่ม | khreuuangF noongF hohmL | apparel |
ผ้าห่ม | phaaF hohmL | blanket | |
นุ่งน้อยห่มน้อย | noongF naawyH hohmL naawyH | [sexual connotation] [is] naked; nude; scantily clad | |
นุ่งลมห่มฟ้า | noongF lohmM hohmL faaH | [is] stripped completely naked; in the nude | |
ห่มดอง | hohmL daawngM | the way to dress a robe over a Buddhist monk’s shoulders. | |
นอนห่มหนังสือพิมพ์ | naawnM hohmL nangR seuuR phimM | to die in a road accident | |
ห่มจีวร | hohmL jeeM waawnM | to wear a monk’s robe; don a Buddhist monk’s robe | |
ห่มดิน | hohmL dinM | to cover agricultural lands with organic material; mulch | |
การห่มดิน | gaanM hohmL dinM | mulching; covering the soil with mulch | |
sample sentences | |||
2.  [verb] | |||
definition | cover; close | ||
example | ร้องห่มร้องไห้ | raawngH hohmL raawngH haiF | to weep; cry with sorrow |