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dtangF dtaaeL dtohnF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiตั้ง-แต่-ต้น
IPAtâŋ tɛ̀ː tôn
Royal Thai General Systemtang tae ton

from the very beginning; ab initio; as a matter of premise

componentsตั้งแต่dtangF dtaaeLsince; from [indicating a span of time or distance or a range of items or varieties] from (...'a' to 'z')
ต้น dtohnFsource; beginning point; origin; trunk; supporting part
phrawH reuuangF deeM chuaaF nanH witH thaH yaaM saatL dtaL wanM dtohkL geetL ganM aawkL bpaiM naiM gaanM baengL bpraL phaehtF maaM dtangF dtaaeL dtohnF
[This is] because Western science rejects the notion of good and evil as a criteria for classification ab initio.
ตั้งแต่ต้นคริสต์ศตวรรษที่ ๑๕ เป็นต้นมาชาวยุโรปเริ่มให้ความสนใจและพยายามแสวงหาเส้นทางเดินเรือมายังตะวันออกแล้ว
dtangF dtaaeL dtohnF khritH saL dtaL watH theeF sipL haaF bpenM dtohnF maaM chaaoM yooH ro:hpL reermF haiF khwaamM sohnR jaiM laeH phaH yaaM yaamM saL waaengR haaR senF thaangM deernM reuuaM maaM yangM dtaL wanM aawkL laaeoH
"Since the beginning of the fifteenth century AD, Europeans became interested and attempted to search for ocean routes to the East."
nangR reuuangF neeH manM sootL suuF ganM dtangF dtaaeL dtohnF reuuangF
"This movie is very enjoyable; there was fighting from the very beginning."
nangR reuuangF neeH manM sootL suuF ganM dtangF dtaaeL dtohnF reuuangF
"This movie is a lot of fun; there was fighting from the very beginning of the movie."

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