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เขาฉีกจดหมายแทบทุกฉบับที่ป้าซึ่งกลายมาเป็นแม่บุญธรรมยื่นให้ลงถังขยะ ก่อนจะแอบกลับไปเก็บมันมาต่อให้เป็นกระดาษชิ้นสมบูรณ์ในยามค่ำ khaoR cheekL johtL maaiR thaaepF thookH chaL bapL theeF bpaaF seungF glaaiM maaM bpenM maaeF boonM thamM yeuunF haiF lohngM thangR khaL yaL gaawnL jaL aaepL glapL bpaiM gepL manM maaM dtaawL haiF bpenM graL daatL chinH sohmR buunM naiM yaamM khamF |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | เขา-ฉีก-จด-หฺมาย-แทบ-ทุก-ฉะ-บับ-ที่-ป้า-ซึ่ง-กฺลาย-มา-เป็น-แม่-บุน-ทัม-ยื่น-ไฮ่-ลง-ถัง-ขะ-หฺยะ-ก่อน-จะ-แอบ-กฺลับ-ไป-เก็บ-มัน-มา-ต่อ-ไฮ่-เป็น-กฺระ-ดาด-ชิ้น-สม-บูน-ไน-ยาม-ค่ำ |
IPA | kʰǎw tɕʰìːk tɕòt mǎːj tʰɛ̂ːp tʰúk tɕʰà bàp tʰîː pâː sɯ̂ŋ klaːj maː pen mɛ̂ː bun tʰam jɯ̂ːn hâj loŋ tʰǎŋ kʰà jàʔ kɔ̀ːn tɕàʔ ʔɛ̀ːp klàp paj kèp man maː tɔ̀ː hâj pen kràʔ dàːt tɕʰín sǒm buːn naj jaːm kʰâm |
Royal Thai General System | khao chik chot mai thaep thuk chabap thi pa sueng klai ma pen mae buntham yuen hai long thang khaya kon cha aep klap pai kep man ma to hai pen kradat chin sombun nai yam kham |
[example sentence] | |||
definition | "He tore up almost every letter that his aunt, who had become his adoptive mother, had given him and threw the pieces in the trash; the then secretly retrieved the pieces from the trash and taped them completely back together in the evening." | ||
categories | |||
components | เขา | khaoR | [3rd person singular or plural pronoun] he; she; him; her; they; them |
ฉีก | cheekL | to rip or tear up | |
จดหมาย | johtL maaiR | postal letter; mail; a letter | |
แทบ | thaaepF | nearly; almost | |
ทุก | thookH | every; each | |
ฉบับ | chaL bapL | [numerical classifier for periodicals, documents, legal documents, newspapers, essays, e-mail, mail, letters, contracts] | |
ที่ | theeF | [the relative pronouns] that; which; which is... | |
ป้า | bpaaF | aunt; elder sister of parents | |
ซึ่ง | seungF | [the relative pronouns] that; which | |
กลาย | glaaiM | to change; to become; to transform; convert; be changed | |
มา | maaM | to come; <subject> comes | |
เป็น | bpenM | to be; <subject> is | |
แม่บุญธรรม | maaeF boonM thamM | foster mother | |
ยื่น | yeuunF | to extend; to hang out; to project; to protrude; to stick out; to bulge; hand over | |
ให้ | haiF | to give; to let; to send to; to allow; to convey towards; to pay (attention); to have someone do something | |
ลง | lohngM | to lay down; put down; set down | |
ถังขยะ | thangR khaL yaL | trash can; trash bin | |
ก่อน | gaawnL | before; earlier; time gone by; prior to; in advance of; ahead of time; previously; formerly; initially; beforehand; firstly; first; now; ago | |
จะ | jaL | [imminent aspect marker] | |
แอบ | aaepL | to hide or be stealthy, to sneak | |
กลับไป | glapL bpaiM | go back; return | |
เก็บ | gepL | to collect; preserve; keep; fetch; pick up (a purse, e.g.) | |
มัน | manM | [the indefinite pronoun for referring to animals or things] it, they, them | |
มา | maaM | [directional auxiliary inticating "approach" or "toward the object"] | |
ต่อ | dtaawL | against; towards; to; further; on; for | |
ให้เป็น | haiF bpenM | to create; to be; be able to do something | |
กระดาษ | graL daatL | paper | |
ชิ้น | chinH | piece (of food or wood, e.g.); chunk; slice or lump; element | |
สมบูรณ์ | sohmR buunM | [is] perfect; complete; absolute; abundant; [grammar] past, present and future perfect tenses | |
ใน | naiM | in; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time | |
ยาม | yaamM | time; hour; period; juncture | |
ค่ำ | khamF | evening; dusk; sunset time | |