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Things Used to Carry and Store

กระจาด graL jaatLbasket of woven bamboo; bamboo tray
กระเช้า graL chaoHbasket of bamboo or rattan
กระเช้านางสีดา graL chaoH naangM seeR daaMa [kind of] traditional Thai dessert with basket-like base made from wheat—delicately woven and then baked. The basket is filled with sweetened shredded ripe coconut tinted with various colors.
กระด้ง graL dohngFrice winnowing basket
กระติบgraL dtipLwoven carrier for a single service of glutinous rice
กระบอก graL baawkLcylinder formed from a section of thick bamboo; tube, flask, tube-shaped container, bamboo canteen, savings box, till, barrel, socket
กระบายgraL baaiMa [type of] grain basket, smaller than a กระบุง
กระบุงgraL boongMa grain basket with a square base
กระป๋อง graL bpaawngRcan; tin can
กระปุก  graL bpookLcannister; jar; pot; jug; tin; can
กระเป๋า graL bpaoRpouch; bag; knapsack; wallet; case purse; pocket; suitcase; luggage; baggage
กระสอบ graL saawpLgunny sack; burlap bag
กล่อง glaawngLa box or container (such as cardboard)
กลัก glakLsmall box, package, or can
กวย guayM[Western Thai dialect] basket
กะปะgaL bpaLbox
ขวด khuaatLbottle
ข้อง khaawngFcreel; a woven fish trap or fish basket made of bamboo or rattan
เข่ง khengLa basketwork crate typically used to package fish
ชะลอมchaH laawmMa round, bamboo basket
ตลับ dtaL lapLsmall; round flat case; small box
ตะกร้า  dtaL graaFbasket
ตะกร้าเครื่องปักเย็บ dtaL graaF khreuuangF bpakL yepHsewing basket
ตะล่อม dtaL laawmFa basket
ตุ่ม dtoomLlarge earthen water jar
ตู้ dtuuFstorage cabinet; post office box; cupboard; locker for luggage; (gym clothing) locker
โตกdto:hkLfooted tray
ถุง  thoongRbag; pouch; tube-like sack
ถุงหูหิ้วthoongR huuR hiuFbag with carrying handles
โถ tho:hRpot, a covered jar
ปุ้งกี๋ bpoongF geeRa [type of] basket with side openings for carrying sand and gravel, for example
มัญชุสา manM chooH saaRbasket; casket
หม้อดินmaawF dinMclay pot
หวด huaatLearthenware steamer
โหล lo:hRwidemouthed glass jar
ไห  haiRa clay jar
อับapLa cassette
อ่าง aangLbasin; hand basin; bowl; bathtub; sink
โอ่ง o:hngLearthen or fired clay pottery jar
ภาชนะดินเผาphaaM chaH naH dinM phaoRpottery vessel; earthenware pot
ถุงซิปthoongR sipHziplock bag
graL bpaoR bpeuunM samR rapL khaatF aayoM
holster; gun holster worn around the waist

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