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Thai Script Typographical Styles

To illustrate some different styles of Thai writing, we present a pangram, a phrase which uses every letter of the Thai alphabet. This pangram is owned by The Computer Association of Thailand under the Patronage of His Majesty the King. In order that you may study these variations, the image-based text on the left is rendered using browser text on the right. An approximate translation appears below that.

Click here to select one of 62 different character styles:

font name: DS-KaMon  
พูดจาให้จ๊ะ ๆ จ๋า ๆ น่าฟังเอยฯ

“To be human is most glorious with more value
Than herds of animals in the wild
You must then work hard to develop your skills
Don’t pillage, murder or oppress anyone
Don’t hold grudges, be angry, curse or scold
Learn forgiveness as you would good sportsmanship
Behave within the rule and spirit of the law
Speak nicely and sweetly so it is pleasing to the ear.”
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