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พันตู  phanM dtuuM
Royal Institute - 1982
พันตู  /พัน-ตู/
[กริยา] ต่อสู้ในตอนประชิดติดพันกัน.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiพัน-ตู
IPApʰan tuː
Royal Thai General Systemphantu

to fight; engage in combat

synonymsขับเคี่ยวkhapL khiaaoFto fight; deal with; contend with
แข่งขันkhaengL khanRto vie; compete; contend
จิก jikLto steal; to pilfer; to snatch
ฉกชิงchohkL chingMto snatch; steal; pilfer
ฉกชิงวิ่งราวchohkL chingM wingF raaoMto steal; pilfer; grab and run
ช่วงชิงchuaangF chingMto snatch; grab; scramble for; seize; wrest; catch
ชิงชัยchingM chaiMto compete; fight; contest; vie; contend
ดวลduaanMto duel; contest; fight; battle.
ต่อกรdtaawL gaawnMto fight; put up a fight; struggle
ต่อสู้dtaawL suuFto fight; struggle; battle
ตะลุมบอนdtaL loomM baawnMto wrestle with; tussle with; scuffle; buffet; a free for all
ตะลุมบอนdtaL loomM baawnMto charge; free fight; make a bayonet charge; engage in a hand to hand combat
โต้แย้งdto:hF yaaengHto contradict; argue; dispute
โต้เถียง dto:hF thiiangRto argue; debate; dispute
ถกเถียง thohkL thiiangRto dispute
เถียง thiiangRto contradict; to argue; to dispute; to talk back
ทดสอบthohtH saawpLto test or quiz, to find the limits of, to try
ทดลอง thohtH laawngMto experiment; test
ทะเลาะเบาะแว้งthaH lawH bawL waaengHto brawl; wrangle; bicker; quarrel; dispute; argue; squabble; spat
ทะเลาะวิวาทthaH lawH wiH waatFto brawl; quarrel and fight
ทำสงครามthamM sohngR khraamMto wage war; to do battle
ทุ่มเถียงthoomF thiiangRto debate, dispute, argue, or quarrel
บู๊ buuH[แต้จิ๋ว  dialect] military; of fighting; fierce; martial; military; valiant; 武 to fight
ประกวด bpraL guaatLto compete; to contest
ประลองbpraL laawngMto test; maneuver; exercise; contest; try out
ฝ่าฟัน faaL fanMto struggle against difficulty and adversity
พิพาท phiH phaatFto dispute; argue
ฟัด fatHto struggle; to fight; to wrestle
ฟาดฟันfaatF fanMto fight; struggle; to fight tooth and nail
แย่งชิงyaaengF chingMto snatch away; to seize
แย้ง yaaengHto oppose; contradict; object; argue; protest; dispute; counter
รบ rohpHto go to war; to fight; to make war; to battle
รบพุ่งrohpH phoongFto fight; do battle
รบราrohpH raaMto fight; battle; wage war; fight a battle
ลองเชิงlaawngM cheerngMto test one's ability; test (one's adversary); check somebody's ability
สู้ suuFto contend; fight; compete; make an aggressive move
สู้รบตบมือsuuF rohpH dtohpL meuuMto fight, battle, combat
ห้ำหั่นhamF hanLto attack; assail; assault
ออกศึกaawkL seukLto go to war; go to a battle
phohmR maiF bpraatL thaL naaR jaL khaoF bpaiM phanM dtuuM gapL faaiL khaoR detL khaatL
"I absolutely do not desire to fight with his group."

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