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การที่พระบิณฑบาตโปรดสัตว์ยามเช้าทุกวันเช่นนี้ และต้องรับบาตรที่ญาติโยมใส่อะไรลงมาก็ไม่รู้ลงไป แล้วท่านจะฉันยังไงล่ะ
gaanM theeF phraH binM thaH baatL bpro:htL satL yaamM chaaoH thookH wanM chenF neeH laeH dtawngF rapH baatL theeF yaatF yo:hmM saiL aL raiM lohngM maaM gaawF maiF ruuH lohngM bpaiM laaeoH thanF jaL chanR yangM ngaiM laF
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiกาน-ที่-พฺระ-บิน-ทะ-บาด-โปฺรด-สัด-ยาม-ช้าว-ทุก-วัน-เช่น-นี้-และ-ต็้อง-รับ-บาด-ที่-ยาด-โยม-ไส่-อะ-ไร-ลง-มา-ก้อ-ไม่-รู้-ลง-ไป-แล้ว-ทั่น-จะ-ฉัน-ยัง-ไง-ล่ะ
IPAkaːn tʰîː pʰráʔ bin tʰá bàːt pròːt sàt jaːm tɕʰáːw tʰúk wan tɕʰên níː lɛ́ʔ tɔ̂ŋ ráp bàːt tʰîː jâːt joːm sàj ʔàʔ raj loŋ maː kɔ̂ː mâj rúː loŋ paj lɛ́ːw tʰân tɕàʔ tɕʰǎn jaŋ ŋaj lâʔ
Royal Thai General Systemkan thi phra binthabat prot sat yam chao thuk wan chen ni lae tong rap bat thi yat yom sai arai long ma ko mai ru long pai laeo than cha chan yang ngai la

 [example sentence]
"Monks conduct their alms-collecting walks every morning and they are required to accept into their bowls everything that their community supporters give them without question; how can they possibly eat this food?"

componentsการที่gaanM theeFthe fact that...
พระ  phraHpriest; minister; cleric; monk; padre; god; Buddha image
บิณฑบาต binM thaH baatL[as a Buddhist monk] to seek alms carrying a begging bowl
โปรดสัตว์bpro:htL satLto have compassion toward all beings; (of a monk) to receive merit-making food offerings
ยาม yaamMtime; hour; period; juncture
เช้า chaaoHmorning, specifically, hours between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. or typically 9:00 a.m.
ทุกวันthookH wanMdaily; every day; continually; all the time
เช่นนี้chenF neeH<subject> such as this...; like this
และ laeHand
ต้อง dtawngF[auxiliary verb] has to...; must...; is required to...; is duty-bound to...
รับ rapHto receive, get; accept; catch a thrown object, take, to fetch, to pick (someone) up, (colloq.) telephone call
บาตร baatLthe bowl carried by a Buddhist monk or priest; almsbowl
ที่ theeF[the relative pronouns] that; which; which is...
ญาติโยมyaatF yo:hmMfolks; [as used by a monk] lay persons, lay supporters, friends and family
ใส่ saiLto put in; add
อะไร aL raiMsomething; anything; things; stuff; whatever; everything
ลงมาlohngM maaMto descend; go down
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
ไม่ maiFnot; no
รู้ ruuHto know a subject or piece of learned information
ลงไปlohngM bpaiMto go down; put into; downward; decrease; fade away
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the beginning of a clause indicating the ordering of events or agreement with main clause] next; then; afterwards; so; finally; and
ท่านthanF[a respectful 2nd or 3rd person singular pronoun] you; he; she; him; her; they; them
จะ jaL[imminent aspect marker]
ฉัน chanR[used by females in an informal setting—also used by males with intimate friends or lovers] I, me, my
ยังไงyangM ngaiM[a colloquial way of saying] "how?" or "in what way?"; in any event; no matter what
ล่ะ laF[informal, spoken pronunciation of ละ —a particle used at the end of a statement or question to add an imperative quality]

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