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rohtH dooyM saanR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiรด-โดย-สาน
IPArót doːj sǎːn
Royal Thai General Systemrot doisan

passenger bus

notesmost inter-provincial buses are not air conditioned
classifierคัน khanM[numerical classifier for vehicles, cars, umbrellas, etc.]
componentsรถ rohtHcar; vehicle; bus
โดยสาร dooyM saanRto travel in a public vehicle; to take passenger; ride as a passenger
related wordsรถโดยสารประจำทางrohtH dooyM saanR bpraL jamM thaangMpassenger bus on a scheduled route; city bus
รถ วี.ไอ.พี.rohtH weeM aiM pheeMair-conditioned inter-provincial "VIP" bus
dtaaM raangM waehM laaM rohtH dooyM saanR
bus schedule; timetable
ตั๋วรถโดยสารdtuaaR rohtH dooyM saanRbus ticket (for inter-provincial bus)
รถโดยสารประจำทางrohtH dooyM saanR bpraL jamM thaangMpassenger bus on a scheduled route; city bus
phuaakF raoM phlaatF rohtH dooyM saanR thiaaoF sootL thaaiH leeuyM dtawngF deernM glapL
"We missed the last bus, therefore, we had to walk home."
meeM khaaoL waaF rohtH dooyM saanR saaiR neuuaR thaehM graL jaatL phuuF dooyM saanR theeF jangM watL naH khaawnM saL wanR
"There was news that a Northern route bus turned over in Nakorn Sawan and shook up its passengers."
เห็นรถโดยสารจอดอยู่ คัน มีคนพลุกพล่าน ๒๐-๓๐ คน
henR rohtH dooyM saanR jaawtL yuuL seeL khanM meeM khohnM phlookH phlaanF yeeF sipL saamR sipL khohnM
"I saw four buses full of 20-30 [tourists] stopping [along the side of the road]."
เลยเปิดกระจกรถถามพรรคพวกพี่น้องที่ขับรถโดยสารว่า เกิดอะไรขึ้นหรือ?
leeuyM bpeertL graL johkL rohtH thaamR phakH phuaakF pheeF naawngH theeF khapL rohtH dooyM saanR waaF geertL aL raiM kheunF reuuR
"So, I opened the car window to ask the several bus drivers whom I knew, “Did something happen?”"

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