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cheeH niuH
Royal Institute - 1982
ชี้นิ้ว  /ชี้-นิ้ว/
[กริยา] ได้แต่สั่งการให้ผู้อื่นทำ ไม่ลงมือทำเอง.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiชี้-นิ้ว
IPAtɕʰíː níw
Royal Thai General Systemchi nio

 [verb, phrase]
to order; demand; point one's finger at in admonition; wag one's finger at

componentsชี้ cheeHto point (out); to indicate a location
นิ้ว niuHfinger; toe; digit
examplesนั่งชี้นิ้วnangF cheeH niuHto order someone else around; be bossy
cheeH niuH tho:htF thookH singL yohkH wenH dtuaaM aehngM
to point one’s finger and blame everything but oneself
maiF meeM nuayL ngaanM phaakF ratH reuuR khaH naH nakH buaatL theeF maaM khaawyM cheeH niuH waaF anM nanH phitL anM neeH thuukL
"No government authority or group of clergy wagged a finger, telling [them] this or that was right or wrong."
เจ้านายชี้นิ้วสั่ง ผู้นำขอความร่วมมือ
jaoF naaiM cheeH niuH sangL phuuF namM khaawR khwaamM ruaamF meuuM
"A boss points his finger to order his workers; a leader requests cooperation."
ฉันไม่เห็นเขาทำอะไร ได้แต่นั่งชี้นิ้วให้ลูกน้องทำให้ทุกอย่าง
chanR maiF henR khaoR thamM aL raiM daiF dtaaeL nangF cheeH niuH haiF luukF naawngH thamM haiF thookH yaangL
"I never see him do anything; he just sits and orders his employees to do everything for him."
phaawM jaL cheeH niuH sangL haiF bpaiM thamM aL raiM dtaawL miH aL raiM thaaenM raoM
"All I have to do is point my finger to order them to do something for me."
ขวัญใจใจ หนึ่งในลูกน้องที่ผมชี้นิ้วสั่งได้ เป็นคนที่ผมชอบที่สุด
khwanR jaiM jaiM neungL naiM luukF naawngH theeF phohmR cheeH niuH sangL daiF bpenM khohnM theeF phohmR chaawpF theeF sootL
"Kwanjai, one of my employees whom I can order around is someone whom I like very much."

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