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gaL dtanM yuuM ruuH khoonM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiกะ-ตัน-ยู-รู้-คุน
IPAkà tan juː rúː kʰun
Royal Thai General Systemkatanyu ru khun

1.   [noun]
gratefulness, gratitude, sense of obligation

componentsกตัญญูgaL dtanM yuuM[Thai customary and dutiful kindness, deference, gratitude, and reciprocation towards elders] [is] deferential; grateful for
รู้ ruuHto know a subject or piece of learned information
คุณ khoonMmerit; goodness; virtue; prosperity
synonymกตัญญูกตเวทีgaL dtanM yuuM gaL dtaL waehM theeMgratefulness, sense of obligation or duty
2. ความกตัญญูรู้คุณ  khwaamM gaL dtanM yuuM ruuH khoonM  [noun]
gratefulness; gratitude

componentsความkhwaamM[a prefix which converts an adjective or verb into a noun]
กตัญญูgaL dtanM yuuM[Thai customary and dutiful kindness, deference, gratitude, and reciprocation towards elders] [is] deferential; grateful for
รู้ ruuHto know a subject or piece of learned information
คุณ khoonMmerit; goodness; virtue; prosperity
thuuhrM maiF meeM khwaamM gaL dtanM yuuM ruuH khoonM dtaawL boopL phaH gaaM reeM kheuuM maaeF khaawngR dtohnM aehngM
"She shows no gratitude toward her parent—her own mother."
3.   [adjective]
[is] grateful, obligated, thankful

componentsกตัญญูgaL dtanM yuuM[Thai customary and dutiful kindness, deference, gratitude, and reciprocation towards elders] [is] deferential; grateful for
รู้ ruuHto know a subject or piece of learned information
คุณ khoonMmerit; goodness; virtue; prosperity
antonymsเนรคุณ naehM raH khoonM[is] ungrateful; go against; betray
อกตัญญูaL gaL dtanM yuuM[is] ungrateful
เด็กจะถูกสอนให้กตัญญูรู้คุณต่อพ่อแม่ และญาติผู้ใหญ่ ผู้มีอุปการคุณ
dekL jaL thuukL saawnR haiF gaL dtanM yuuM ruuH khoonM dtaawL phaawF maaeF laeH yaatF phuuF yaiL phuuF meeM oopL gaanM khoonM
"Children will be taught to be grateful to their parents and to their elder relatives, that is, those who provide them support."
ในการดำเนินชีวิต เด็กจะถูกสอนให้กตัญญูรู้คุณต่อพ่อแม่ และญาติผู้ใหญ่ ผู้มีอุปการะคุณตลอดจนรู้คุณสิ่งต่างที่จำเป็นต่อชีวิต
naiM gaanM damM neernM cheeM witH dekL jaL thuukL saawnR haiF gaL dtanM yuuM ruuH khoonM dtaawL phaawF maaeF laeH yaatF phuuF yaiL phuuF meeM oopL bpaL gaaM raH khoonM dtlaawtL johnM ruuH khoonM naH singL dtaangL theeF jamM bpenM dtaawL cheeM witH
"In conducting their lives children are taught to be grateful to their parents and to their older relatives, those who provide them sustenance and to be appreciative for all the necessities of life."
หากลังเลที่จะทำพ่อหรือแม่ก็จะดุด่าว่าไม่กตัญญูรู้คุณ ไม่มีเกียรติยศที่จะทำหน้าที่ของตัวเอง
haakL langM laehM theeF jaL thamM phaawF reuuR maaeF gaawF jaL dooL daaL waaF maiF gaL dtanM yuuM ruuH khoonM maiF meeM giiatL dtiL yohtH theeF jaL thamM naaF theeF khaawngR dtuaaM aehngM
"If he were hesitant in doing this to his parents, he would be berated as ungrateful and not acting honorably in the performance of his duty."

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