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phaapF jamM theeF khohnM meeM dtaawL bpraL thaehtF neeH gaawF yangM bpenM phaapF khohnM saiL suutL damM kheunF rohtH faiM faaH khwaamM reoM suungR bpaiM thamM ngaanM naiM aL phiH maH haaR naH khaawnM seungF saaengR faiM laakL seeR theeF sookL saL gaaoM maiF ruuH johpL baaepL theeF henR naiM theeM weeM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiพาบ-จำ-ที่-คน-มี-ต่อ-ปฺระ-เทด-นี้-ก้อ-ยัง-เป็น-พาบ-คน-ไส่-สูด-ดำ-คึ่น-รด-ไฟ-ฟ้า-คฺวาม-เร็ว-สูง-ไป-ทำ-งาน-ไน-อะ-พิ-มะ-หา-นะ-คอน-ซึ่ง-แสง-ไฟ-หฺลาก-สี-ที่-สุก-สะ-กาว-ไม่-รู้-จบ-แบบ-ที่-เห็น-ไน-ที-วี
IPApʰâːp tɕam tʰîː kʰon miː tɔ̀ː pràʔ tʰêːt níː kɔ̂ː jaŋ pen pʰâːp kʰon sàj sùːt dam kʰɯ̂n rót faj fáː kʰwaːm rew sǔːŋ paj tʰam ŋaːn naj ʔà pʰíʔ má hǎː ná kʰɔːn sɯ̂ŋ sɛ̌ːŋ faj làːk sǐː tʰîː sùk sà kaːw mâj rúː tɕòp bɛ̀ːp tʰîː hěn naj tʰiː wiː
Royal Thai General Systemphapcham thi khon mi to prathet ni ko yang pen phap khon sai sut dam khuen rot fai fa khwam reo sung pai tham ngan nai aphimahanakhon sueng saeng fai lak si thi suk sakao mai ru chop baep thi hen nai thi wi

 [example sentence]
"The mental image that people have of this country are of people who wear black, who ride high-speed trains to go to work in a megalopolis with brightly-lit, multi-colored lights as far as the eye can see, like you see on television."

componentsภาพจำphaapF jamMmental image; rembrance; memory; remembered image
ที่ theeF[the relative pronouns] that; which; which is...
คน khohnMperson; guy; people; man; human being
มี meeMto have or possess; to be available
ต่อ dtaawLagainst; towards; to; further; on; for
ประเทศ bpraL thaehtFnation; country
นี้ neeHthis; these
ก็ gaawFalso; too; as well; well...; [suggestion] should...
ยัง yangMyet; since; not yet; still
เป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
ภาพคน phaapF khohnMportrait
ใส่ saiLto put on clothing; wear; encase
สูท suutL[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] suit
ดำ damM[is] black; dark; dusky
ขึ้น kheunFto get on (a train, plane and bus), to get in (a car)
รถไฟฟ้าrohtH faiM faaH"skytrain"; electric train
ความเร็วสูงkhwaamM reoM suungRhigh-speed (as in high-speed Internet connection)
ไป bpaiMto go; <subject> goes
ทำงานthamM ngaanMto work
ใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
อภิมหานครaL phiH maH haaR naH khaawnMmegalopolis, metropolis
ซึ่ง seungF[the relative pronouns] that; which
แสงไฟsaaengR faiMreflected beam of light; ray of light; flash of flame; light
หลากสีlaakL seeR[is] multicolored; varigated
ที่ theeF[the relative pronouns] that; which; which is...
สุกสกาวsookL saL gaaoM[is] resplendent, sparkling, bright
ไม่รู้จบmaiF ruuH johpLendlessly; interminably; ceaselessly
แบบ baaepLlike; as; similar to; in the pattern of; in a... way/fashion; type
ที่ theeF[the relative pronouns] that; which; which is...
เห็น henRto see; visualize
ใน naiMin; inside; within; amidst; into; on; at a particular time
ทีวีtheeM weeM[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword, "tee-wee"] T.V.; television

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