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ฟ้าพูดหลังแก้วเบียร์ "แหม พูดแล้วเจ็บใจ อีนั่นบังอาจมาแย่งลูกค้าประจำฉัน เผลอเข้าห้องน้ำหน่อยไม่ได้ ทั้ง ๆ ที่เค้าโทรมาบุ๊กชั้น มันดันบอกว่าชั้นไปกับแขกแล้ว"
faaH phuutF langR gaaeoF biiaM maaeR phuutF laaeoH jepL jaiM eeM nanF bangM aatL maaM yaaengF luukF khaaH bpraL jamM chanR phluuhrR khaoF haawngF naamH naawyL maiF daiF thangH thangH theeF khaaoH tho:hM maaM bookH chanH manM danM baawkL waaF chanH bpaiM gapL khaaekL laaeoH
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiฟ้า-พูด-หฺลัง-แก้ว-เบีย-แหฺม-พูด-แล้ว-เจ็บ-ไจ-อี-นั่น-บัง-อาด-มา-แย่ง-ลูก-ค้า-ปฺระ-จำ-ฉัน-เผฺลอ-เค่า-ฮ่อง-น้าม-หฺน่อย-ไม่-ได้-ทั้ง-ทั้ง-ที่-ค้าว-โท-มา-บุ๊ก-ชั้น-มัน-ดัน-บอก-ว่า-ชั้น-ไป-กับ-แขก-แล้ว
IPAfáː pʰûːt lǎŋ kɛ̂ːw biːa mɛ̌ː pʰûːt lɛ́ːw tɕèp tɕaj ʔiː nân baŋ ʔàːt maː jɛ̂ːŋ lûːk kʰáː pràʔ tɕam tɕʰǎn pʰlɤ̌ː kʰâw hɔ̂ːŋ náːm nɔ̀ːj mâj dâj tʰáŋ tʰáŋ tʰîː kʰáːw tʰoː maː búk tɕʰán man dan bɔ̀ːk wâː tɕʰán paj kàp kʰɛ̀ːk lɛ́ːw
Royal Thai General Systemfa phut lang kaeo bia mae phut laeo chep chai i nan bangat ma yaeng luk kha pracham chan phloe khao hong nam noi mai dai thang thang thi khao tho ma buk chan man dan bok wa chan pai kap khaek laeo

 [example sentence]
"Faa said, after having a beer, “Hey, I feel really bad about this. That bitch dared to snatch away my regular customer. Just when I went into the bathroom, he called to book me, that bitch told him that I was already with another guest.”"

componentsฟ้า faaH[common female Thai nickname] Faa
พูด phuutFto speak; to talk; to say
หลัง langRafter [temporal]
แก้ว gaaeoF[general] glass; transparent or translucent object; crystal; mica
เบียร์  biiaM[Thai transcription of the foreign loanword] beer
แหม maaeR[an interjection used to express surprise, coyness or shyness, and discontent]
พูด phuutFto speak; to talk; to say
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the beginning of a clause indicating the ordering of events or agreement with main clause] next; then; afterwards; so; finally; and
เจ็บใจ jepL jaiM[is] (emotionally) hurt and resentful; feel hurt
อีeeM[a derogatory prefix for certain terms pertaining to a woman or women]; old person
นั่น nanFthere (at a medium distance from here); those; that
บังอาจ bangM aatLto have the audacity to; dare to
มา maaMto come; <subject> comes
แย่ง yaaengFto catch; to seize; to scramble for; contend for; compete for; wrest
ลูกค้าประจำluukF khaaH bpraL jamMregular customer
ฉัน chanR[used by females in an informal setting—also used by males with intimate friends or lovers] I, me, my
เผลอ phluuhrRto forget; make a mistake
เข้า khaoFto enter; go in; penetrate; insert; approach; begin
ห้องน้ำhaawngF naamHrestroom; bathroom; toilet; washroom; lavatory; head; can
หน่อย naawyL[word used to soften the meaning of a sentence] "...a bit" — "...somewhat" — " some extent"; this little thing, no big deal here, for just a moment
ไม่ได้maiF daiF[auxiliary verb combination] did not...; is not; am not; does not
ทั้ง ๆthangH thangHeven though
ที่ theeF[the relative pronouns] that; which; which is...
เค้า khaaoH[variation of เขา , a pronoun used for the 1st person or 3rd person when speaking of oneself or someone in an informal, cute way]
โทรมาtho:hM maaMto telephone [in]
บุ๊กbookH[Thai transcription of foreign loanword] to book [a hotel room, e.g.]
ชั้น chanH[informal 1st person singular pronoun, variant of] ฉัน 
มัน manM[the indefinite pronoun for referring to animals or things] it, they, them
ดัน danMto push; press; force; insist; support
บอกว่าbaawkL waaFto say that; tell; state; relate
ชั้น chanH[informal 1st person singular pronoun, variant of] ฉัน 
ไปกับbpaiM gapLto attend; along with
แขก khaaekLvisitor; guest; foreigner
แล้ว laaeoH[positioned at the end of a clause indicating current position, fulfilment of a condition, emphasis, or confirmation] already; any more

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