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bpraL laatL jaiM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiปฺระ-หฺลาด-ไจ
IPApràʔ làːt tɕaj
Royal Thai General Systempralat chai

1.   [adjective]
amazed, astonished, surprised, dumbfouned; with a sense of wonder or astonishment

componentsประหลาดbpraL laatL[is] strange; odd; weird; peculiar; wonderful; marvelous; queer; unusual; surprising
ใจ jaiMheart; spirit; spiritual center or core; soul; inner being; mind
exampleน่าประหลาดใจnaaF bpraL laatL jaiM[is] astonishing; surprising; amazing
ฝ่ายแม่รู้สึกประหลาดใจระคนหวั่นใจ เธอส่งมือให้ลูก
faaiL maaeF ruuH seukL bpraL laatL jaiM raH khohnM wanL jaiM thuuhrM sohngL meuuM haiF luukF
"His mother felt both surprise and concern, but extended her hands to her son."
phohmR bpraL laatL jaiM gapL singL theeF geertL kheunF
"I was dumbfounded by what happened."
ภาวการณ์ตื่นทองทำนองนี้ ไม่ใช่เรื่องชวนให้ประหลาดใจแต่อย่างใด
phaaoM waH gaanM dteuunL thaawngM thamM naawngM neeH maiF chaiF reuuangF chuaanM haiF bpraL laatL jaiM dtaaeL yaangL daiM
"The fact that there is this type of gold fever should not be surprising at all."
2. ความประหลาดใจ  khwaamM bpraL laatL jaiM  [noun]
a surprise

componentsความkhwaamM[a prefix which converts an adjective or verb into a noun]
ประหลาดbpraL laatL[is] strange; odd; weird; peculiar; wonderful; marvelous; queer; unusual; surprising
ใจ jaiMheart; spirit; spiritual center or core; soul; inner being; mind
jaakL khwaamM bpraL laatL jaiM glaaiM bpenM khwaamM gluaaM kheunF maaM dtaL ngitL
"My shock turned into a vague fear."
jaakL khwaamM bpraL laatL jaiM glaaiM maaM bpenM khwaamM sapL sohnR
"[My] surprise changed to confusion."
เธอเลิกคิ้วขึ้นสองข้าง บอกถึงความประหลาดใจ "แล้วเธอมาแต่งกับคุณได้ไง"
thuuhrM leerkF khiuH kheunF saawngR khaangF baawkL theungR khwaamM bpraL laatL jaiM laaeoH thuuhrM maaM dtaengL gapL khoonM daiF ngaiM
"She raised both eyebrows reflecting her surprise, “So, how come she married you?” "
jaakL khwaamM bpraL laatL jaiM glaaiM bpenM khwaamM gluaaM kheunF maaM dtaL ngitL
"[My] surprise became a small, rising fear."
jaakL khwaamM bpraL laatL jaiM glaaiM bpenM khwaamM gluaaM kheunF maaM dtaL ngitL
"[My] surprise became a small, rising fear."
3.   [verb]
to wonder

componentsประหลาดbpraL laatL[is] strange; odd; weird; peculiar; wonderful; marvelous; queer; unusual; surprising
ใจ jaiMheart; spirit; spiritual center or core; soul; inner being; mind
4. ทำให้ประหลาดใจ  thamM haiF bpraL laatL jaiM  [verb]
amaze; astonish

componentsทำให้thamM haiF[prefix which creates a verb from an adjective, corresponding to the English suffix (adj.)-en] to cause to be...; to make...; to effect...; to render as...
ประหลาดbpraL laatL[is] strange; odd; weird; peculiar; wonderful; marvelous; queer; unusual; surprising
ใจ jaiMheart; spirit; spiritual center or core; soul; inner being; mind

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