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maoR ruaamM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเหฺมา-รวม
IPAmǎw ruːam
Royal Thai General Systemmao ruam

 [verb, phrase]
to stereotype; broad brush someone; lump in; generalize; make a general accusation

notesLingualicious Lesson 17
componentsเหมา maoRto assume; take for granted
รวม ruaamMto combine; collect; add; include; incorporate; assemble; confederate
related wordเหมารวมกลุ่มmaoR ruaamM gloomLto make an accusation against the group as a whole; to condemn the entire group
examplesเหมารวมกลุ่มmaoR ruaamM gloomLto make an accusation against the group as a whole; to condemn the entire group
ภาพเหมารวมphaapF maoR ruaamMstereotypical image
ต้องจำแนกแยกส่วนให้ดี อย่าเหมารวม
dtawngF jamM naaekF yaaekF suaanL haiF deeM yaaL maoR ruaamM
"One needs to carefully separate the various parties and not tar everyone with a single brush."
แค่เห็นผมอาวุโสหน่อย อย่าเหมารวมว่า ผมจะไม่มันส์กับเพลงแร็ปนะ
khaaeF henR phohmR aaM wooH so:hR naawyL yaaL maoR ruaamM waaF phohmR jaL maiF manM gapL phlaehngM raepH naH
"Just because I happen to be a bit “senior” don’t lump me in with all those old guys who can’t groove to rap music!"
neeF manM maiF bpenM gaanM maoR ruaamM bpaiM naawyL ruuhrR
"Aren’t you broad brushing a bit much here?"
gaL rooH naaM phaH yaaM yaamM yaaL maoR ruaamM waaF bpenM khohnM dtaangL chaatF thookH khohnM khrapH khohnM dtaangL chaatF gaawF meeM thangH khohnM deeM laeH khohnM maiF deeM duayF
"Kindly try not to stereotype all foreigners are that way. There are good ones as well as bad ones."
บางแบรนด์มีสินค้าหลากหลาย มีวิธีการตั้งราคาไม่เฉลี่ยเหมารวม อาจสังเกตเห็นยาก
baangM baaeM rohnM meeM sinR khaaH laakL laaiR meeM wiH theeM gaanM dtangF raaM khaaM maiF chaL liiaL maoR ruaamM aatL sangR gaehtL henR yaakF
"Some brands have many products [for sale]; they have ways to set prices so that they are not changed across the board; [so, the price changes] are difficult to perceive."

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