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ruuH seungH
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiรู้-ซึ้ง
IPArúː sɯ́ŋ
Royal Thai General Systemru sueng

1.   [verb]
to realize; know well; understand

componentsรู้ ruuHto know a subject or piece of learned information
ซึ้ง seungH[is] deep; profound; abstruse
synonymรู้ดีruuH deeMto know full well; to understand fully
2. รู้ซึ้งถึง  ruuH seungH theungR  [verb]
to understand [about]; have an understanding of

componentsรู้ ruuHto know a subject or piece of learned information
ซึ้ง seungH[is] deep; profound; abstruse
phohmR daiF ruuH seungH theungR oopL bpaL sakL khwaakL naamR naaM napH bpaL gaanM theeF raawM yuuL beuuangF naaF
"I understand the various obstacles which lie ahead of us."
ลูกพากันนั่งอ่านคำสอนของพ่อ ได้รู้ซึ้งถึงปัญญา ความห่วงใยและเมตตาจากคำสอนของพ่อ
luukF phaaM ganM nangF aanL khamM saawnR khaawngR phaawF daiF ruuH seungH theungR bpanM yaaM khwaamM huaangL yaiM laeH maehtF dtaaM jaakL khamM saawnR khaawngR phaawF
"His children sat down together to read their father’s teachings; they gained an understanding of the wisdom, concern, and compassion from what their father taught."
เด็กหนุ่มตอบ "ข้อที่หนึ่ง ผมได้รู้ซึ้งถึงคำว่า สำนึกในบุญคุณ ถ้าไม่มีแม่ก็คงไม่มีความสำเร็จของผมด้วย"
dekL noomL dtaawpL khaawF theeF neungL phohmR daiF ruuH seungH theungR khamM waaF samR neukH naiM boonM khoonM thaaF maiF meeM maaeF gaawF khohngM maiF meeM khwaamM samR retL khaawngR phohmR duayF
"The young man replied, “First of all I profoundly came to understand the phrase ‘a sense of obligation’; if it were not for my mother, I probably would not have been successful.”"

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