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dtawngF siiaR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiต็้อง-เสีย
IPAtɔ̂ŋ sǐːa
Royal Thai General Systemtong sia

 [verb, transitive, phrase]
to cost; pay; required to incur the cost

componentsต้อง dtawngF[auxiliary verb] has to...; must...; is required to...; is duty-bound to...
เสีย siiaRto spend; use up; lose; give up; sacrifice; pay
gaanM rakH saaR sookL khaL phaapF khaawngR phuuF theeF bpenM ro:hkF uaanF dtawngF siiaR khaaF chaiH jaaiL bpenM jamM nuaanM maakF
"The treatment of people afflicted with obesity is very costly."
[.] เดือนละห้าพันบาทค่ะ ไม่รวมค่าน้ำ ค่าไฟ ค่าแก๊ส และค่าโทรศัพท์ผู้เช่าต้องเสียเอง
deuuanM laH haaF phanM baatL khaF maiF ruaamM khaaF naamH khaaF faiM khaaF gaaetH laeH khaaF tho:hM raH sapL phuuF chaoF dtawngF siiaR aehngM
[a.] "Five thousand baht a month, not including water, electricity, gas, and telephone. The tenant has to pay those himself."
meuuaF bpeeM glaaiM gaaeM dtawngF siiaR dtuuF yenM bpaiM langR neungL phrawH bpraL maatL reuuangF naamH thuaamF neeF laeL
"Last year he lost a refrigerator precisely because he neglected to remove it from the flood water."
gaanM guuF ngernM dtawngF siiaR daawkL biiaF
"Borrowing money means having to pay interest."
ผู้ปกครองเองก็บ่นว่าต้องเสียค่ากินเปล่าถึงจะให้ลูกเข้าโรงเรียนที่ตัวเอง ต้องการได้
phuuF bpohkL khraawngM aehngM gaawF bohnL waaF dtawngF siiaR khaaF ginM bplaaoL theungR jaL haiF luukF khaoF ro:hngM riianM theeF dtuaaM aehngM dtawngF gaanM daiF
"Parents themselves complain that they have to pay bribes in order to get their children into the school they want."
deeM gwaaL thuukL japL dtawngF siiaR ngernM laaiR saaenR
"[Doing this was] better than being arrested and having to pay hundreds of thousands [in fines]."

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