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ชก  chohkH 
Royal Institute - 1982
ชก  /ชก/
[กริยา] ต่อยด้วยหมัดหรือกำปั้น.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiชก
Royal Thai General Systemchok

to punch or hit with the fist

synonymsต่อย dtaawyLto box; to hit with the fist; to punch; to sting; to strike; to break open; to crack open
ตะบันdtaL banMto punch; box; hit; bop; sock; pummel; pound
ตุ๊ยdtuyH[แต้จิ๋ว  dialect] to box or punch; to beat on
examplesชกมวยchohkH muayMto box or fistfight
ชกต่อยchohkH dtaawyLto fight; to punch with the fist; to box
การชกมวยgaanM chohkH muayMboxing
การชกต่อยgaanM chohkH dtaawyLa fight
ชกโต้chohkH dto:hFto fight; box
ชกหมัดแย็บchohkH matL yaepHto throw a jab (punch)
ชกหมัดเสยขึ้นchohkH matL seeuyR kheunFto throw an uppercut (punch)
คู่ชกkhuuF chohkHopponent [in boxing]
มัดมือชกmatH meuuM chohkH[to] gain control over; have someone over a barrel; have someone in a bind; to put someone in an untenable situation; beat someone while his hands are tied behind his back; to force someone to do something against one’s will
ชกลมchohkH lohmM[Thai boxing] shadow boxing
ชกใต้เข็มขัดchohkH dtaiF khemR khatLto hit below the belt; do something unfairly or against the rules
ชกต่อยในบริบทของการทะเลาะวิวาทก็ไม่ดี แต่ชกต่อยในบริบทของการปกป้องช่วยเหลือผู้อ่อนแออาจกลายเป็นดี
chohkH dtaawyL naiM baawM riH bohtL khaawngR gaanM thaH lawH wiH waatF gaawF maiF deeM dtaaeL chohkH dtaawyL naiM baawM riH bohtL khaawngR gaanM bpohkL bpaawngF chuayF leuuaR phuuF aawnL aaeM aatL glaaiM bpenM deeM
"To fight in the context of an aggressor is not good; however to fight in the context of protecting and helping the weak is perhaps a good thing."
กรรมการยุติการชก เพราะพี่เลี้ยงโยนผ้า
gamM gaanM yootH dtiL gaanM chohkH phrawH pheeF liiangH yo:hnM phaaF
"The referee stopped the fighting because the trainer threw in the towel."
เราเคียดแค้นคำพูดของเขามาก จนอยากจะชกหน้า
raoM khiiatF khaaenH khamM phuutF khaawngR khaoR maakF johnM yaakL jaL chohkH naaF
"We are so angry and resentful of what he said that we just want to punch him in the face."
khohnM jaiM faawL yaangL khaoR maiF glaaF kheunF chohkH naiM khrangH neeH naaeF naawnM
"Someone who is as frightened as he is will certainly not dare to fight this time."
khaoR jaiM theungR khaL naatL theeF glaaF chohkH gapL nakH muayM roonF yaiL gwaaL
"He is daring enough to fight with a boxer in a higher weight class."
witH chohkH naaF khuuF aL riL
"Wit punched his adversary in the face."
nakH muayM khuuF neeH muaaM dtaaeL dtenF yawngR yaengR maiF chohkH ganM siiaR theeM
"The two boxers were just sparring; they were not hitting each other with the intent to hurt."

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