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bpenM reuuangF thamM maH daaM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเป็น-เรื่อง-ทัม-มะ-ดา
IPApen rɯ̂ːaŋ tʰam má daː
Royal Thai General Systempen rueang thammada

1.   [adjective, verb, intransitive, phrase]
to happen according to the law of Nature; to happen naturally; (of course, this) naturally happens

componentsเป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
เรื่อง reuuangFabout; relating to; concerning; [as part of the header in an official letter along with เรียน ] "Subject:"
ธรรมดา thamM maH daaMnatural state; natural law; nature; custom; habit
manM bpenM reuuangF thamM maH daaM khaawngR waiM roonF theeF dinF ganM dtawngF meeM raaiM gaanM yiiapL reuuR graL thaaekF ganM baangF dangM nanH jeungM maiF bplaaekL haakL jaL geertL reuuangF thaH lawH wiH waatF ganM raH waangL nanH
"It is normal for teenagers who dance to stamp their feet or bump into one another; so, it is not surprising that fights break out."
gaanM meeM cheuuF muuL baanF samH ganM thangH thaiM thangH laaoM bpenM reuuangF thamM maH daaM
"It is fairly common for there to be villages with the same name on both the Thai side and the Lao side."
meuuanR bpenM reuuangF thamM maH daaM khraiM khaoR gaawF maaM saaiR ganM
"It was as if coming late is just the natural thing to do."
เราอาจจะบ่นนิด ๆ หน่อย ๆ แต่เป็นการบ่นแกมปลงว่า "มันก็เป็นแบบนี้แหละ" "รถติดเป็นเรื่องธรรมดา แก้ไม่ได้หรอก" ฯลฯ
raoM aatL jaL bohnL nitH naawyL dtaaeL bpenM gaanM bohnL gaaemM bplohngM waaF manM gaawF bpenM baaepL neeH laeL rohtH dtitL bpenM reuuangF thamM maH daaM gaaeF maiF daiF raawkL laH
"We complain a little, but it is complaining mixed with resignation, saying, “It is what it is”; “Traffic congestion is normal; there is nothing we can do to fix it”; etc."
2.   [adverb, phrase]
[is] a common, usual, normal occurance; a natural phenomenon

componentsเป็น bpenMto be; <subject> is
เรื่อง reuuangFabout; relating to; concerning; [as part of the header in an official letter along with เรียน ] "Subject:"
ธรรมดา thamM maH daaMnatural state; natural law; nature; custom; habit
เรื่องเล่าเกี่ยวกับเสือมีมากมาย ดูคล้ายเป็นเรื่องธรรมดา
reuuangF laoF giaaoL gapL seuuaR meeM maakF maaiM duuM khlaaiH bpenM reuuangF thamM maH daaM
"There are lots of tales about tigers; they appear to be common."
เธอจำเด็กไม่ได้ ซึ่งเป็นเรื่องธรรมดามาก
thuuhrM jamM dekL maiF daiF seungF bpenM reuuangF thamM maH daaM maakF
"She didn't recognize the boy, which was perfectly natural."

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