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gaoF eeF rapH khaaekL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเก้า-อี้-รับ-แขก
IPAkâw ʔîː ráp kʰɛ̀ːk
Royal Thai General Systemkaoi rap khaek

guest chair; easy chair; living room furniture; chair and sofa suite

classifiersชุด chootH[numerical classifier for certain collections or sets (e.g. bathing suit, calendar, coffee table)]
ตัว dtuaaM[numerical classifier for digits, number, bodies, shirts, pants, suits, animals, fish, germs, chairs, tables, desks, software title]
componentsเก้าอี้  gaoF eeFchair
รับแขกrapH khaaekLto receive a guest
jaakL theeF yeuunM yuuL maawngM bpaiM henR gaoF eeF rapH khaaekL nangR seeR damM dtuaaM yaiL saamR dtuaaM waangM riiangM ganM
"From where we were standing we could see three, large, black leather living room chairs and sofas arranged in a suite."
หันดูจึงเห็นเป็นหมวกทรงติงลี่ ทรงหมวกออกแนวแฟชั่น ทำด้วยหนังสีดำสีเดียวกันกับเก้าอี้รับแขก
hanR duuM jeungM henR bpenM muaakL sohngM dtingM leeF sohngM muaakL aawkL naaeoM faaeM chanF thamM duayF nangR seeR damM seeR diaaoM ganM gapL gaoF eeF rapH khaaekL
"I turned to look and saw that it was a fashionable tingley-style flat cap made of black leather, the same color as the living room suite."
laeH lakH saL naL nangR gaawF meuuanR phiuR khaawngR gaoF eeF rapH khaaekL maakF
"And, the texture of the [cap’s] leather was very similar to that of the living room suite."
ตอนออกจากห้องนอน ภรรยาผมนำหมวกในห้องสองใบวางรวมกับหมวกอีกใบที่โต๊ะมุมเก้าอี้รับแขก แล้วเราก็ออกไปหาอาหารกลางวันรับประทานกัน
dtaawnM aawkL jaakL haawngF naawnM phanM raH yaaM phohmR namM muaakL naiM haawngF saawngR baiM waangM ruaamM gapL muaakL eekL baiM theeF dtoH moomM gaoF eeF rapH khaaekL laaeoH raoM gaawF aawkL bpaiM haaR aaM haanR glaangM wanM rapH bpraL thaanM ganM
"As we left the bedroom, my wife took along the two hats and put them with the third cap on the corner table next to the easy chair, then we went out to eat lunch together."
suaanL muaakL gaaepH thaH haanR waangM bohnM gaoF eeF rapH khaaekL
"As for the military cap, it was laying on the sofa."
phohmR naawnM bohnM gaoF eeF rapH khaaekL laeH lapL bpaiM dtaawnM naiR gaawF maiF ruuH
"I lay down on the easy chair and didn’t know when I fell asleep."
bpitL faiM lohmH dtuaaM naawnM theeF gaoF eeF rapH khaaekL
"[He] turned off the light and fell asleep in the easy chair."

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