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reuuR yangM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiหฺรือ-ยัง
IPArɯ̌ː jaŋ
Royal Thai General Systemrue yang

 [conjunction, phrase, formal]
or not; whether; if; whether (or not); if... or not

componentsหรือ reuuRor
ยัง yangM[usually used in conjunction with หรือ  (formal) or รึ  (colloq.) meaning] "...or not" [as in the English, "whether or not."]
synonymรึยังreuH yangM[a colloquial way of saying] หรือยัง; "or not" [often shortened to only ยัง ]
related words
pheuuanF chanR maaM khaawyM yuuL naanM laaeoH yangM
"Has my friend been waiting long?"
รึยังreuH yangM[a colloquial way of saying] หรือยัง; "or not" [often shortened to only ยัง ]
exampleแล้วหรือยังlaaeoH reuuR yangMready or not; already?
ginM khaaoF reuuR yangM
"Did you eat yet?" — "Have you eaten?"
khoonM maawngM henR daiF chatH kheunF reuuR yangM
"Can you see better?"
khoonM aanL johtL maaiR theeF pheerngF maaM theungR laaeoH reuuR yangM
"Have you read the letter which has just arrived?"
dekL thaamR waaF theungR baanF reuuR yangM
"The child asked whether (we) had arrived home yet, or not."
น่าจะถึงเวลาเสียที ที่คนไทยทั้งหมดจะหันมาพิจารณากันอีกทีว่า ถึงเวลาหรือยังที่เราควรแยกศาสนาออกจากรัฐให้เด็ดขาดเสียที
naaF jaL theungR waehM laaM siiaR theeM theeF khohnM thaiM thangH mohtL jaL hanR maaM phiH jaaM raH naaM ganM eekL theeM waaF theungR waehM laaM reuuR yangM theeF raoM khuaanM yaaekF saatL saL naaR aawkL jaakL ratH haiF detL khaatL siiaR theeM
"The time has come for all Thai people to come around and seriously consider whether it is now time to separate religion and the state once and for all."
ท่านไม่ควรใช้วิธีสังเกตด้วยตาว่า ลมยางรถยนต์ของท่านอ่อนเกินไปหรือยัง
thanF maiF khuaanM chaiH wiH theeM sangR gaehtL duayF dtaaM waaF lohmM yaangM rohtH yohnM khaawngR thanF aawnL geernM bpaiM reuuR yangM
You should not use just the eyeball method to determine whether your car’s tires are low on air or not.
bpaiM haaR mohtH haaR maawR reuuR yangM
"Have you been to see the doctor yet?"
yeuuakL dtemM reuuR yangM
"Is the pitcher full yet?"
"พวกคุณคิดว่า เหยือกเต็มหรือยัง?" เขาหันไปถามนักศึกษาปริญญาโท
phuaakF khoonM khitH waaF yeuuakL dtemM reuuR yangM khaoR hanR bpaiM thaamR nakH seukL saaR bpaL rinM yaaM tho:hM
"“Do you think that the pitcher is full yet?” he turned and asked his graduate students."
nangR seuuR theeF yeuumM bpaiM aanL johpL reuuR yangM
"Have you finished reading the book you borrowed yet?"
phraawmH reuuR yangM
"Are you ready yet?"
เราจะให้คำใบ้ พร้อมหรือยัง
raoM jaL haiF khamM baiF phraawmH reuuR yangM
"I'll give you a clue; are you ready or not?"
khohnM thaiM gaadL dtohkL reuuR yangM
"Have Thais let their guard down?"
yangM maiF ruuH leeuyM saL thaaR naH khaawngR dinM daaenM dtuaaM aehngM jaL daiF bpenM bpraL thaehtF laaeoH reuuR yangM
"[Taiwan] still does not know what its status will be, that is, whether it will be recognized as a nation or not."

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