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กระสวนประโยคพื้นฐาน » 16: The Use of "Hai"
The Fundamentals of the Thai Language, 5th ed. » 16: The Use of "Hai"

aoM maaM haiF chanR duuM gaawnL
"Bring it and let me see it first."
baawkL phaH nohmM waaF bpraL diaaoR chanR jaL glapL baanF
"Tell Panom I will go home in a few minutes."
baawkL haiF phaH nohmM thamM haawngF aaM haanR haiF saL aatL
"Tell Panom to clean the dining room."
วันนี้คุณไม่ต้องไปตลาด ฉันจะซื้ออาหารเอง
wanM neeH khoonM maiF dtawngF bpaiM dtaL laatL chanR jaL seuuH aaM haanR aehngM
"You need not go to the market today. I will buy the food myself."
khaoR maiF daiF haiF aL raiM phohmR leeuyM
"He did not give me anything at all."
naaiM maaM nitH sohngL daawkL maaiH laoL neeH maaM haiF diL chanR
"Mr. Marnit sent these flowers to me."
bplookL chanR waehM laaM hohkL mo:hngM chaaoH haiF daiF
"Call (wake) me at 6:00 a.m. without fail."
khoonM meeM baanF haiF chaoF baangF maiH
"Have you got some houses to let?"
มีครับ คุณต้องการบ้านที่มีห้องนอนกี่ห้องครับ
meeM khrapH khoonM dtawngF gaanM baanF theeF meeM haawngF naawnM geeL haawngF khrapH
"Yes, I have. You want a house with how many bedrooms?"
diL chanR dtawngF gaanM baanF theeF khaangF bohnM meeM haawngF naawnM saamR haawngF khaF
"I want one with three bedrooms upstairs."
diL chanR jaaiL khaaF chaoF geernM deuuanM laH seeL phanM haaF raawyH baatL maiF daiF
"I can’t pay more than 4,500 Baht per month rent."
phohmR siiaR jaiM theeF daiF saapF waaF khoonM maiF saL baaiM
"I was sorry to hear that you were not well."
phohmR gamM langM haaR johtL maaiR yuuL dtaaeL yangM maiF phohpH
"I am looking for the letter but I can’t find it yet."
jaL sohngL daiF meuuaF raiM
"When can you send it?"
phohmR jaL sohngL wanM neeH
"I will send it today."
หนังสือพิมพ์โพสต์ไม่มีเหลือค่ะ ขายหมดแล้ว มีแต่หนังสือพิมพ์เวิลด์เท่านั้น
nangR seuuR phimM pho:htF maiF meeM leuuaR khaF khaaiR mohtL laaeoH meeM dtaaeL nangR seuuR phimM weernM thaoF nanH
"I have no more Post [newspapers]. They are all sold out. I have only the World."
เมื่อคืนนี้ผมนอนไม่หลับเลย ร้อนมาก
meuuaF kheuunM neeH phohmR naawnM maiF lapL leeuyM raawnH maakF
"Last night I could not sleep at all. It was very hot."
baawkL haiF khohnM seerfL aoM biiaM maaM haiF chanR khuaatL neungL
"Tell the waiter to bring me a bottle of beer."
baawkL pheuuanF khaawngR chanR waaF aaM haanR setL laaeoH
"Tell my friend dinner is ready."
khoonM dtawngF gaanM namH chaaM eekL maiH khaH
"Will you have some more tea?"
ขอบคุณค่ะ ดิฉันยังดื่มไม่หมด
khaawpL khoonM khaF diL chanR yangM deuumL maiF mohtL
"No, thank you, I haven’t finished yet."
phohmR maaM yuuL theeF neeF seeL deuuanM laaeoH
"I came to live here four months ago."
baanF naiM saawyM aaM reeM haiF chaoF laaeoH reuuR yangM khrapH
"Has that house in Soi Aree been rented yet?"
ยังครับ คุณต้องการจะเช่าไหม
yangM khrapH khoonM dtawngF gaanM jaL chaoF maiH
"Not yet, do you want to rent it?"
เมื่อก่อนผมเคยอยู่สามเสน แต่ผมมาอยู่บางกะปิหกเดือนแล้ว
meuuaF gaawnL phohmR kheeuyM yuuL saamR saehnR dtaaeL phohmR maaM yuuL baangM gaL bpiL hohkL deuuanM laaeoH
"Formerly I used to live in Samsen but I have been living in Bangkapi these last six months."
baangM wanM khaoR maaM bpraL maanM thiiangF baangM wanM khaoR maiF maaM leeuyM
"Sometimes he comes about noon but sometimes he doesn’t come at all."
phohmR khitH waaF wanM neeH khaoR khohngM jaL maiF maaM
"I think he probably won't come today."
khaoR thamM haiF raoM dtawngF khaawyM yeeF sipL naaM theeM
"He made us wait for twenty minutes."

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