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ฟ้อง  faawngH 
contents of this page accuse; prosecute sue indicate; show; inform

Royal Institute - 1982
ฟ้อง  /ฟ้อง/
[กริยา] กล่าวหา, กล่าวโทษ, แสดงให้รู้.
[กริยา] โดยปริยายหมายความว่า ขัดกัน, ไม่ตรงกัน.
[นาม] คำฟ้อง.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiฟ้อง
Royal Thai General Systemfong

1. common Thai word   [verb]
to accuse; prosecute

synonymsกล่าวโทษglaaoL tho:htFto denounce; incriminate; accuse
กล่าวหาglaaoL haaRto accuse; incriminate; allege, charge, blame, condemn
ใส่ความsaiL khwaamMto slander; frame; defame
ใส่ถ้อยร้อยความsaiL thaawyF raawyH khwaamMto defame, blame, slander, defame; accuse someone of something
ใส่ไฟsaiL faiMto vilify; incite; instigate
หา haaRto accuse; blame; hold accountable; indict; sue
หาความhaaR khwaamMto accuse; charge; blame; denounce; allege; indict; incriminate
examplesผู้ฟ้องร้องphuuF faawngH raawngHaccuser
การฟ้องร้องคดีgaanM faawngH raawngH khaH deeMlawsuit
ฟ้องแย้งfaawngH yaaengH[legal] to present a counter-claim
คำฟ้องkhamM faawngHaccusation; charge
ถูกฟ้องthuukL faawngH[is] charged with a crime
ฟ้องคดีอาญาfaawngH khaH deeM aaM yaaMto accuse (someone) of criminal behavior
khaH naH gamM gaanM jaL saL roopL samR nuaanM sohngL haiF aiM yaH gaanM suungR sootL faawngH damM neernM khaH deeM phaaiM naiM deuuanM meeM naaM khohmM neeH
"The committee will summarize the case and will send it to the Attorney-General for prosecution during March of this year."
meeM phuuF raawngH dtaawL saanR faawngH raawngH haiF gaanM leuuakF dtangF bpenM mo:hM khaH baangF faawngH raawngH reuuangF naawM miH neeM amM naatF gaoL baangF
"There are people who appealed to the courts; some sued to have the election declared invalid while others sued regarding (the winning party acting as) a nominee of the old order."
aiM yaH gaanM suungR sootL meeM khamM sangL faawngH khaoR thaanR gaawL haiF phuuF euunL khaaF khohnM dtaaiM dooyM jaehtL dtaL naaM lengM henR phohnR
"The attorney general ordered him charged on the basis of causing someone else to commit murder, intentionally knowing the consequences of his action."
ก็ต้องว่ากันไปตามกระบวนการพิจารณาคดีไม่ใช่ว่าจะฟ้องวันนี้ แล้วพรุ่งนี้ไปตัดสิน คงไม่ได้
gaawF dtawngF waaF ganM bpaiM dtaamM graL buaanM gaanM phiH jaaM raH naaM khaH deeM maiF chaiF waaF jaL faawngH wanM neeH laaeoH phroongF neeH bpaiM dtatL sinR khohngM maiF daiF
"We must act in accordance with a judicial process. This doesn’t mean that when one prosecutes today, and rush to judgment tomorrow. This simply cannot be done."
ไม่ฆ่าน้อง ไม่ฟ้องนาย ไม่ขายเพื่อน
maiF khaaF naawngH maiF faawngH naaiM maiF khaaiR pheuuanF
"Do not overwork your subordinates, complain about your boss, or sell out our coworkers."
reuuangF neeH haakL henR waaF khraiM khaoF khaaiL thamM phitL gaawF dtawngF ruaapF ruaamM phaH yaanM lakL thaanR sohngL faawngH
"With respect to this issue, if you see that anyone falls within the scope of this violation, you need to gather witnesses and issue a charge."
2. common Thai word   [verb]
to sue

examplesหนังสือยื่นฟ้องnangR seuuR yeuunF faawngHbill
ฟ้องร้องfaawngH raawngHto sue; accuse; charge; file; make a prosecution; bring charge against
เขาจะวางมือทางการเมือง เพราะไม่เช่นนั้นภรรยาจะฟ้องหย่า
khaoR jaL waangM meuuM thaangM gaanM meuuangM phrawH maiF chenF nanH phanM raH yaaM jaL faawngH yaaL
"He will become less active in politics because, if he doesn't, his wife will divorce him."
มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย ห้ามใช้ชื่อเอี่ยวม็อบแดง ไม่งั้นเจอฟ้องหมิ่น
maH haaR witH thaH yaaM laiM maH haaR maH gootL raatF chaH witH thaH yaaM laiM haamF chaiH cheuuF iaaoL mawpH daaengM maiF nganH juuhrM faawngH minL
"The Mahamakut Buddhist University has prohibited having its name associated with the 'Red Shirt' mob. If they do not comply (with the request not to use its name), they risk being sued for libel and defamation."
ลูกความ- "ผมต้องการฟ้องหย่ากับภรรยาครับ"
luukF khwaamM phohmR dtawngF gaanM faawngH yaaL gapL phanM raH yaaM khrapH
Client: “I want to divorce my wife.”
to indicate; show; inform

exampleสาระแนฟ้องsaaR raH naaeM faawngHto tattle to others
thaaF thuuhrM maiF yaawmM laaeoH aoM reuuangF bpaiM faawngH pheuuanF
"If she did not agree, she would make an issue of it and tell my friend."

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