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luukF laanR
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiลูก-หฺลาน
IPAlûːk lǎːn
Royal Thai General Systemluk lan

descendants; pedigree; clan; progeny; posterity; succession; children and grandchildren

classifierคน khohnM[numerical classifier for a person or occupation]
componentsลูก luukFchild; offspring; son or daughter [including figurative usage for certain ideas]; cub; young animal
หลาน laanRgrandchild
synonymบุตรหลานbootL laanRdescendants; pedigree; clan; progeny; posterity; succession; children and grandchildren
thaaF bpenM phuaakF meeM ngernM reuuR phuaakF boonM nakL sakL yaiL luukF laanR gaawF aatL jaL fangM daiF phrawH graehngM jaiM naiM sohmR batL
"If they are from the rich and powerful, their progeny may listen (to them) because they are concerned about their wealth."
luukF laanR khaawngR raoM dtawngF gaanM riianM ruuH dtawngF gaanM thiaaoF dtrehL bpaiM yangM saL thaanR theeF bplaaekL huuR bplaaekL dtaaM baangF
"Our kids want to learn about and go wandering around in different and unusual places."
พ่อแม่คอยตรับฟังข่าวของลูกหลานที่ไปทำงานที่กรุงเทพฯ อยู่ทุกเมื่อเชื่อวัน
phaawF maaeF khaawyM dtrapL fangM khaaoL khaawngR luukF laanR theeF bpaiM thamM ngaanM theeF groongM thaehpF yuuL thookH meuuaF cheuuaF wanM
"The parents constantly listened for news from their children and grandchildren who went to work in Bangkok."
คนแก่ไทยกลายเป็นผู้พึ่งพิงเต็มตัวมากขึ้น โดยไม่เหลือที่นาหรือสมบัติพัสถานอะไร ๆ ที่จะมอบเป็นมรดกแก่ลูกหลาน
khohnM gaaeL thaiM glaaiM bpenM phuuF pheungF phingM dtemM dtuaaM maakF kheunF dooyM maiF leuuaR theeF naaM reuuR sohmR batL phatH saL thaanR aL raiM aL raiM theeF jaL maawpF bpenM maawM raH dohkL gaaeL luukF laanR
"The elderly in Thailand are becoming increasing dependent [on others]; they possess no [rice] fields nor do they have any wealth to pass on to their heirs."
khoonM yaaiM meeM cheeM witH yuuL yaangL lamM baakL jaiM yaakF khenR meuuaF luukF laanR dtaangL phaaM ganM thaawtF thingH
"My grandmother lives a life of poverty after her children and grandchildren all abandoned her."
โครงการดังกล่าวจะเป็นการพลิกโฉมหน้าของการดำรงชีวิตและเศรษฐกิจไทย หรือ จะเป็นโครงการที่ก่อหนี้สินมหาศาลอันจะเป็นภาระหนักหน่วงสาหัสสำหรับลูกหลานในอนาคต
khro:hngM gaanM dangM glaaoL jaL bpenM gaanM phlikH cho:hmR naaF khaawngR gaanM damM rohngM cheeM witH laeH saehtL thaL gitL thaiM reuuR jaL bpenM khro:hngM gaanM theeF gaawL neeF sinR maH haaR saanR anM jaL bpenM phaaM raH nakL nuaangL saaR hatL samR rapL luukF laanR naiM aL naaM khohtH
This project will either turn out to be a visible shift in the life and economy of Thailand or it will be a project which creates an enormous debt which will become a heavy burden to be passed down to our children and grandchildren in the future.
banM daaM khohnM thaoF khohnM gaaeL dtaangL gaawF uayM chaiM daaeL luukF laanR theeF jaL bpaiM khaengL khanR
"All of the older people gave their best wishes for success to their children and grandchildren as they went off to their [sports] competition."
ไม่ได้กล่าวปฏิเสธ หรือตอบรับหรือว่ากล่าวว่าไม่เหมาะสม แต่บอกให้นำไปให้ลูกหลานจะดีกว่า
maiF daiF glaaoL bpaL dtiL saehtL reuuR dtaawpL rapH reuuR waaF glaaoL waaF maiF mawL sohmR dtaaeL baawkL haiF namM bpaiM haiF luukF laanR jaL deeM gwaaL
"[He] would not outright refuse [the donation] or respond that [such donations] were not appropriate, but would say that it would be better if [the money] were given to their children or grandchildren."
khohnM gaaeL theeF yuuL baanF phakH khohnM chaH raaM makH thuukL luukF laanR thingH haiF bplaaoL bpliaaoL yuuL yaangL nanH
"Old people who live in nursing homes are often abandoned by their children and grandchildren to live a bleak, lonely existence."
ที่บ้านครูศุข ลูกหลานยังคงสืบทอดวิชาดนตรีภายในตระกูล เกาะกลุ่มแน่นหนามาจนถึงทุกวันนี้
theeF baanF khruuM sookL luukF laanR yangM khohngM seuupL thaawtF wiH chaaM dohnM dtreeM phaaiM naiM dtraL guunM gawL gloomL naaenF naaR maaM johnM theungR thookH wanM neeH
"At the house of Suk the Teacher, his decendants continue their family heritage of music studies; they have formed strong affiliations all the way to current times."
เพราะไม่มีการเข้าปะทะ คุณจึงไม่ต้องกลัวว่าลูกหลานจะบาดเจ็บ
phrawH maiF meeM gaanM khaoF bpaL thaH khoonM jeungM maiF dtawngF gluaaM waaF luukF laanR jaL baatL jepL
"[This is] because it is a noncontact [sport], so you don’t need to worry that your children will get hurt."
ท่านดับชีพตามคุณหญิงไปแล้ว ท่ามกลางความเศร้าโศกเสียใจของลูกหลาน
thanF dapL cheepF dtaamM khoonM yingR bpaiM laaeoH thaamF glaangM khwaamM saoF so:hkL siiaR jaiM khaawngR luukF laanR
"He passed away following his wife’s [death] while his children and grandchildren were grieving."
laeH maiF dtawngF raawM haiF luukF laanR maaM khawH lo:hngM dteuuanM waaF haiF bpaiM theeF chaawpF theeF chaawpF aoM dtaawnM theeF bpaiM maiF daiF laaeoH
"And you need not wait for your children to come knock on your casket to ask you where you want to go, when it is too late go anywhere."
luukF laanR jaL namM muuR hetL bpetL gaiL bpaiM senF waiF theeF huaangM suyH bpenM bpraL jamM
"Decedents regularly make food offerings [for their deceased ancestors] at the [Chinese] cemetery."
khohnM thaiM dtawngF thamM rohngM khwaamM bpenM thaiM aoM waiH haiF seuupL dtaawL bpaiM chuaaF luukF laanR
"Thai people must preserve their Thai heritage so that it can be passed on to their descendants."
khuuF baaoL saaoR luukF laanR saehtL theeR
The bride and groom, children of the wealthy
แต่ยุคนี้ลูกหลานถูกครูตี พ่อแม่ปู่ย่าตายาย วิ่งโร่แจ้งความเอาผิดครู
dtaaeL yookH neeH luukF laanR thuukL khruuM dteeM phaawF maaeF bpuuL yaaF dtaaM yaaiM wingF ro:hF jaaengF khwaamM aoM phitL khruuM
"But, today if our children were to receive corporal punishment from their teachers, their parents and grandparents would rush to their rescue and bring a lawsuit against the offending teacher."

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