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ขอบ  khaawpL 
contents of this page
1.pertaining to thanks
2.perimeter; edge; fringe; rim; outer boundary; limit

Royal Institute - 1982
ขอบ ๑  /ขอบ/
[นาม] ริมรอบ เช่น ขอบโต๊ะ, ริมที่ยกให้สูงขึ้นโดยรอบ เช่น ขอบสระ ขอบถนน.
ขอบ ๒  /ขอบ/
[กริยา] ทดแทน, ตอบ, รับ, เช่น ขอบแต่ขอมสักตั้ง. (ตะเลงพ่าย ๕), ภายในสองนางขอบ, ธขอบคำความมนตรี. (ลอ ๓๔, ๑๖๖).

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiขอบ
Royal Thai General Systemkhop

1. common Thai word   
pertaining to thanks

examplesขอบคุณkhaawpL khoonM[spoken formally to a person of higher rank or status, e.g. parents, teachers] "Thank you" [male: add ครับ ; female: add ค่ะ ]
ทำเกินขอบเขตthamM geernM khaawpL khaehtLto trespass; go beyond what is proper
ขอบใจkhaawpL jaiMto thank someone with lower rank or status (e.g. one's younger brothers or sisters or one's students)
ขอบพระคุณครับkhaawpL phraH khoonM khrapH[spoken by male] a formal expression of thanks, showing one's gratitude, used by persons of the same social status or when a junior, subordinate, inferior, or young person or fellow thanking a senior, grown-up, adult, or an elder
ขอบพระคุณค่ะkhaawpL phraH khoonM khaF[spoken by female] a formal expression of thanks, showing one's gratitude, used by persons of the same social status or when a junior, subordinate, inferior, or young person or fellow thanking a senior, grown-up, adult, or an elder
ขอบพระคุณkhaawpL phraH khoonMto thank; be thankful for; be grateful to; give thanks
ขอบพระทัยkhaawpL phraH thaiM[royalty] to give thanks; to thank
ขอบคุณkhaawpL khoonMto express thanks to; thank
khaawpL jaiM
[Isaan dialect] "Thank you."
seungF gaanM thuaangL laawH gaawF saaR maatF graL thamM daiF dooyM pheermF namH nakL lohngM bpaiM naH jootL daiM jootL neungL theeF khaawpL graL thaH laawH
Balancing the wheels can be accomplished by adding weights at specific points on the lips of the wheel rim.
2.   [noun]
perimeter; edge; fringe; rim; outer boundary; limit

examplesขอบถนนkhaawpL thaL nohnRcurb; raised edge of the sidewalk
ที่เขียนขอบตาtheeF khiianR khaawpL dtaaMeyeliner
ขอบฟ้าkhaawpL faaHskyline; horizon
ผ้าระบายขอบเตียงphaaF raH baaiM khaawpL dtiiangMdust ruffle for a bed
ขอบเขตkhaawpL khaehtLboundary; region; district; location; sphere; realm; zone; land; limit
มีขอบข่ายการออกฤทธิ์meeM khaawpL khaaiL gaanM aawkL ritH[of medicines] to affect; to produce as an effect
ขอบข่ายงานkhaawpL khaaiL ngaanMscope of the work
ชายขอบchaaiM khaawpLmargin; rim; edge; fringe; periphery
เต็มขอบdtemM khaawpL[is] filled to the edge
ตกขอบdtohkL khaawpL[is] extreme
รั้วรอบขอบชิดruaaH raawpF khaawpL chitHsurrounding walls
pheuunH phiuR riiapF dtaiF khaawpL langR khaaM
fascia board
ขอบกระทะkhaawpL graL thaH[automotive] rim of the wheel; the outer circumference of the wheel
ขอบตาkhaawpL dtaaMeye socket
เงื่อนไขขอบngeuuanF khaiR khaawpLboundary conditions
คนอีกจำนวนมาก ทันโลกทันสมัยไม่ได้ จึงกลายเป็นชนชั้นอนาถา ตกนอกขอบสังคม ไร้ทรัพย์ ไร้สิทธิ ไร้เสียง เลี้ยงชีพด้วยอาชญากรรม หนีทุกข์ด้วยยาเสพติด ทุกสังคมมีคนแบบนี้บ้าง
khohnM eekL jamM nuaanM maakF thanM lo:hkF thanM saL maiR maiF daiF jeungM glaaiM bpenM chohnM chanH aL naaM thaaR dtohkL naawkF khaawpL sangR khohmM raiH sapH raiH sitL thiH raiH siiangR liiangH cheepF duayF aatL chaH yaaM gamM neeR thookH duayF yaaM saehpL dtitL thookH sangR khohmM meeM khohnM baaepL neeH baangF
"Another large number of people cannot cope with modernity and become members of the 'impoverished class.' They fall outside the bounds of society; they are without wealth and without any rights; they have no voice (in the political system); they support themselves through crime; they escape poverty through (selling) drugs. Every society has people like this."
khaawpL saL meeM dtohnF maaiH lekH laeH dtohnF yaaF kheunF yuuL bpraL bpraaiM
"Around the pool are small trees and (tufts of) grass growing here and there."
ระหว่างที่ลุงใสเดินไปถึงขอบคันนาทิศเหนือ แกยังไม่คิดว่าเป็นความผิดปกติ แต่ก็เร่งมือทำงานเร็วขึ้น
raH waangL theeF loongM saiR deernM bpaiM theungR khaawpL khanM naaM thitH neuuaR gaaeM yangM maiF khitH waaF bpenM khwaamM phitL bpaL gaL dtiL dtaaeL gaawF rengF meuuM thamM ngaanM reoM kheunF
"By the time Uncle Sai walked to the Northern edge of his fields, he still did not think that anything strange would happen, but he did speed up his efforts."
khapL rohtH chitH khaawpL thaangM daanF saaiH
"Drive near the left side of the road." "Stay in the left lane."
จำได้ว่ามีอยู่วันหนึ่งพ่อลองชวนแม่ไปฟังการชุมนุมแบบใกล้ชิดติดขอบเวที เพราะอยากไปสัมผัสบรรยากาศสด ๆ ด้วยตัวเองสักครั้ง
jamM daiF waaF meeM yuuL wanM neungL phaawF laawngM chuaanM maaeF bpaiM fangM gaanM choomM noomM baaepL glaiF chitH dtitL khaawpL waehM theeM phrawH yaakL bpaiM samR phatL banM yaaM gaatL sohtL sohtL duayF dtuaaM aehngM sakL khrangH
"I remember that one day my father invited my mother to go with him to listen to [the speeches] at the rally up close to the stage because just once he wanted to experience the atmosphere in a personal way."
baangF chaiH meuuM ruutF khaawpL raaoM graL do:htL lohngM theeM laH saawngR saamR khanF
"Some slid their hands along railing to jump down the stairs two or three steps at a time."
deernM chohnM khaawpL dtiiangM
"[You] bump into the edge of the bed."
laaeoH thamM maiM khaawpL dtaaM damM jangM
"“So, why are you eyes so black and blue?” "
luaatF laaiM daawkL maaiH thaoR theeF khaawpL thaatL reermF gaL thawH kheunF saL nimR
"The floral and vine design around the edge of the tray has begun to rust and flake off."
as a prefixขอบขัณฑสีมาkhaawpL khanR thaH seeR maaMboundary (of a kingdom, e.g.)

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